
unusual facts about Ethan Canin

Ethan Canin

He and his family moved around the midwestern and northeastern United States, and eventually settled in San Francisco, California where he attended Town School and later graduated from San Francisco University High School.


Shutruk-Nakhunte gained a small public exposition in Ethan Canin's short story The Palace Thief, and its adaptation in the 2002 film The Emperor's Club, in which one of the key elements is a plaque describing the exploits of Shutruk-Nakhunte, described as a once famous egomaniacal conqueror virtually unknown today.

Town School for Boys

Notable alumni include Nick Traina, John Heinz, Ethan Canin, Mark Pirie, Deke Sharon, Alex Gansa, Ulrich Schmid-Maybach, Adam Stephens and Tyson Vogel (members of indie band Two Gallants.)

see also