
2 unusual facts about European Confederation

Cécil von Renthe-Fink

In 1943, the German ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop and Renthe-Fink proposed the creation of a European confederacy, which would have had a single currency, a central bank in Berlin, a regional principle, a labour policy and economic and trading agreements.

European Confederation

French (Vichy) Prime Minister Pierre Laval was enthusiastic of the proposal, and in a document to Hitler he wrote that France was ready for territorial sacrifices in Tunisia and Alsace-Lorraine to bring about an "atmosphere of confidence" in Europe.

see also

Shooting Union of Russia

The Russia Shooting Union is a member of the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF), the European Confederation of Sport Shooting Activities (ESC), and the International Federation of the shooting sports and hunting weapons (FITASC).