Yves Bot, general prosecutor of Paris, came to the trial on its last day, without previously notifying the president of the Cour d'assises, Mrs. Mondineu-Hederer; while there, Bot presented his apologies to the defendants on behalf of the legal system—he did this before the verdict was delivered, taking for granted a "not guilty" ruling, for which some magistrates reproached him afterwards.
Yves Bot (born August 22, 1947) is a French magistrate and currently serves as Advocate General at the European Court of Justice.
Yves Saint Laurent | Yves Saint Laurent (brand) | Yves Montand | Yves Klein | Yves Saint Laurent (designer) | Yves Leterme | Yves Coppens | Internet bot | Yves Tanguy | Yves Séguin | Yves Rocher | Yves Frémion | Yves Cochet | Jean-Yves Thériault | Yves Robert | Yves Pelletier | Yves Netzhammer | Yves Meyer | Yves Lévesque | Yves Larock | Yves Ducharme | Yves Camdeborde | Yves Angelo | Yves-André Hubert | Saint-Yves | Yves Guérin-Sérac | Yves Colin de Verdière | Yves Bot | José Yves Limantour | Jean-Yves Ollivier |