Analysis of observations made by a Weather Research and Forecasting model for Mars (MarsWRF) and related Mars general circulation model (MGCM) suggests that it is potentially possible to isolate methane plume source locations to within tens of kilometers, which is within the roving capabilities of future Mars rovers.
Mars | Veronica Mars | The Mars Volta | Bruno Mars | Thirty Seconds to Mars | Mars, Incorporated | Mars (mythology) | Mars Science Laboratory | Mars Exploration Rover | exploration | Palestine Exploration Fund | Mars trilogy | Mars Pathfinder | Exploration | Champ de Mars | An Anthropologist on Mars | Pyramids of Mars | Mars Global Surveyor | Mars and Beyond | Life on Mars (UK TV series) | Life on Mars | Field of Mars | Mars Society | Mars Lasar | International Institute for Species Exploration | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | A Princess of Mars | Vision for Space Exploration | The Waters of Mars | Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus |
The user assumes control of a rover or lander in order to explore Mars.
On July 16, 2013, the Canadian Space Agency assigned Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen to a secondment with the Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration of the University of Western Ontario at Haughton Crater in preparation for a potential future manned exploration of Mars, the Moon or the asteroids.
He was also working in the Soviet program of interplanetary exploration of Mars.
In addition, Bergreen is the author of Voyage to Mars: NASA’s Search for Life Beyond Earth, a narrative of NASA’s exploration of Mars, published in November 2000.
Horowitz has been active in advocating reorienting NASA's focus to human exploration of Mars, with the goals of permanent human outposts and settlements on the red planet.
On 26 March 2007, the director of the China National Space Administration, Sun Laiyan, and the head of the Russian Space Agency, Anatoly Perminov, signed a landmark space co-operation accord, entitled the "Cooperative Agreement between the China National Space Administration and the Russian Space Agency on joint Chinese-Russian exploration of Mars".