
unusual facts about FAIL

Fail-safes in nanotechnology

Both techniques induce an electromagnetic field, corrupting the memory and shorting out the circuitry of any electronic device within range.

1693 in literature

Thomas Southerne – The Maid's Last Prayer, or Any Rather Than Fail

Abort, Retry, Fail?

In 1993, Neil Howe published 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?, a sympathetic book about the culture of Generation X.

Absolute war

The recognition of total war since World War I has created a degree of confusion for many, who fail to understand the differences between it and the concept of absolute war, often using the terms interchangeably and blaming Germany's conduct of "total war" on the writings of Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz.

Are You Ready for Love?

The fictitious authors Randy Bush (Michael Brandon) and Candy Connor (Leigh Zimmerman) offer "a fail-safe guide to instant romance" to their dating victims, Melanie (Lucy Punch), Barry (Andy Nyman), and Luke (Ed Byrne).

Arlanda Line

In addition, the state held a financial guarantee to Nordea for the X3 trains, should A-Train fail to meets its financial obligations to the bank.


Robert Troy, Politician and Member of Dáil Éireann since 2011 as a representative of the Fianna Fáil party.

Benjamin W. Crowninshield

His health began to fail in 1891, and he died January 16, 1892, at age 55, in Rome, having travelled to Europe for a rest.

Brian Lenihan

Brian Lenihan, Snr (1930–1995), long-serving Irish Fianna Fáil politician

Carole Hyatt

When Smart People Fail was co-written with film producer Linda Gottlieb and was originally published in 1987.

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

Its slogan is "abortion represents an evil so inexpressible that words fail us when attempting to describe its horror. Until abortion is seen, it will never be understood." The Executive Director of the CBR is Gregg Cunningham, a former Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives who has also held a number of other government positions.

Checked baggage

According to the rules of most air transportation authorities, such as the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and European Union's Joint Aviation Authorities, should passengers flying internationally with checked baggage fail to arrive at the departure gate before the flight is closed, that person's baggage must be retrieved from the aircraft hold before the flight is permitted to take off.


The clapper (two sticks hinged together) has been anachronistically claimed to have been invented by Frank W. Thring (father of actor Frank Thring), who was head of Efftee Studios in 1930s Melbourne, Australia, however as Efftee wasn't founded until 1931, not the 1920s as sometimes stated, this claim must fail.

Clyde Bernhardt

Bernhardt's heath began to fail in 1979, and he gave up leadership of the Harlem Blues and Jazz Band but played in Barry Martyn's Legends of Jazz until his death in 1986.

Cyprian Brady

In January 2011, he was selected as a Fianna Fáil candidate in Dublin Central for the 2011 general election along with Mary Fitzpatrick.

Daniel Schacter

In The Seven Sins of Memory: How the Mind Forgets and Remembers, Schacter identifies seven ways ("sins") that memory can fail us.

Eibhlin Byrne

On 15 April 2009, Byrne was nominated as a Fianna Fáil candidate (along with Eoin Ryan) for the Dublin constituency at the 2009 European Parliament election which was held on 5 June 2009 but she was not elected.

Eoin Ryan

His son Eoin Ryan, Jnr (born 1953), Irish Fianna Fáil politician, Member of the European Parliament, former Teachta Dála (TD)

Erskine Childers

Erskine Hamilton Childers (1905–1974), Fianna Fáil minister who became President of Ireland, son of the above


However, Na'Far did not only fail, but his personal bodyguard, Ta'Lon (whom Sheridan had saved on a Streib ship), became G'Kar’s most avid follower and confidant.

George Colley

In 1979, Fianna Fáil's economic policies were derailed due to strikes, higher wage demands, and the 1979 energy crisis.

Harvey Wheeler

He was best known as co-author with Eugene Burdick of Fail-Safe, 1962, an early cold war novel that depicted what could easily go wrong in an age on the verge of nuclear war.


For example, if OLS is performed on a heteroscedactic data set, yielding biased standard error estimation, a researcher might fail to reject a null hypothesis at a given significance level, when that null hypothesis was actually uncharacteristic of the actual population (making a type II error).

Ian Westwater

He made the short move across the River Forth to Easter Road side Hibernian in 2000, where he would fail to play any matches before hanging up his gloves in 2004.

James Lynch

James B. Lynch (died 1954), Irish Fianna Fáil Party politician, TD and Senator

John McGuinness

John J. McGuinness (born 1955), Irish Fianna Fáil Party politician, TD for Carlow-Kilkenny 1997–

John Winthrop Hackett

Hackett suffered from Parkinsonism and his health began to fail in 1915, he took a trip to the eastern states which appeared to have benefited him; however he died suddenly on 19 February 1916 of a heart condition and was buried in Karrakatta Cemetery.


A cleft palate may form in humans (and other tetrapods) where the tissues that will become the premaxilla and the maxilla fail to join during development.

Let It Enfold You

It was announced on April 4, 2012 that Senses Fail would release a greatest hits album entitled Follow Your Bliss: The Best Of Senses Fail which features "You're Cute When You Scream", " Rum Is For Drinking, Not For Burning", "Lady In a Blue Dress", "Bite to Break the Skin", and "Buried a Lie".

Mark Killilea

Mark Killilea, Snr (1896–1970), Irish Fianna Fáil Party politician, TD and Senator

Michael Kennedy

Michael O'Kennedy (born 1936), Irish Fianna Fáil politician from Tipperary

National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius

On January 31, 2011, Judge Roger Vinson ruled that the mandatory health insurance "individual mandate"—the provision of Internal Revenue Code section 5000A imposing a "shared responsibility penalty" on nearly all Americans who fail to purchase health insurance—was outside the power of Congress.

Occipital neuralgia

Other less common forms of surgical neurolysis or microdecompression are also used to treat the condition when conservative measures fail.

Oldtown, Letterkenny

However, the new owner John G. Larkin, has links with Dessie Larkin, the Fianna Fáil mayor and councillor (Gormley was in coalition with Fianna Fáil at this time).

Ollie Smith

However, concerns about his defensive positioning saw him fail to make the 2003 World Cup Squad.

Paul Barrere

Some of Barrere's best known contributions to Little Feat as a songwriter include "Skin It Back", and "Feats Don't Fail Me Now" from the album Feats Don't Fail Me Now, "All That You Dream" from The Last Record Album, "Time Loves a Hero" from Time Loves a Hero, and "Down on the Farm" from Down on the Farm.

PowerGrid Corporation of India

Power Minister Veerappa Moily said that transmission grids will be independently audited in three months to ensure that the grids are fail-safe.


In 1978, Paul Thagard proposed that pseudoscience is primarily distinguishable from science when it is less progressive than alternative theories over a long period of time, and its proponents fail to acknowledge or address problems with the theory.

Raihanul Abedin

Most planned and prepared operations can fail against response from Mother Nature.

Robert Aylward

Bob Aylward (1911–1974), Irish Fianna Fáil politician, senator from 1973–1974

Royal Brunei Navy

These have been completed but have not been delivered from BAE Systems Naval Ships in Scotstoun due to claims by the Royal Brunei Navy that the ships fail to meet the required specifications.

Satan's Waitin'

Later that night, two bank robbers (named Rocky and Mugsy) try to break into the safe, but fail when they use too much nitroglycerine and end up killing themselves and Sylvester.

Scrum pattern

For instance "Timeboxing" is an answer to the optimism bias, that is one of the reason why the Mantra of agile software development and Lean software development is "Think big, act small, fail fast; learn rapidly" .

Seán McCool

The early 1930s saw increasing clashes between the IRA and the General Eoin O’Duffy’s Blueshirts, At the 1934 IRA General Army Convention differences began to arise between those who thought that fighting Irish fascism in the form of the Blueshirts was the most important task for the IRA and those who believed that the Fianna Fáil government was using these clashes to turn against, and clamp down on the IRA.

Sir Edward Dering, 1st Baronet

Antiquarian studies could, in the days of William Laud's power, hardly fail to connect themselves with reflections on the existing state of the church.

The Comfort of Strangers

In The New York Times, the critic John Leonard wrote "No reader will begin The Comfort of Strangers and fail to finish it; a black magician is at work."

The Moth Confesses

Shaun Cassidy covered "Morning Girl, Later" with a few tweaked lyrics (omitting the reference to "Catherine" that complicates the song implying that the protagonist now has a wife or daughter) and titled it "Morning, Girl." The songs primarily cover the topic of striking out towards a new life when relationships fail for various reasons.

Thomas Southerne

His other plays are: The Disappointment, or the Mother in Fashion (1684), founded in part on the Curioso Imperlinente in Don Quixote; The Wives Excuse, or Cuckolds make themselves (1692); The Maids Last Prayer; or Any rather than fail (1692); The Fate of Capua (1700); The Spartan Dame (1719), taken from Plutarch's Life of Aegis; and Money the Mistress (1729).

Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi

Tuilaepa responded by calling opposition MP Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi (of the Tautua Samoa Party) "very stupid", adding that "only an idiot" would fail to see the merits of the bill.

Wong v. San Francisco Board of Education

The contract that the lawsuit attempted to void gave Superintendent Ackerman $375,000 in severance should she leave early or fail to get along with incoming school board members.

see also