
4 unusual facts about Fabricius


Ernst Fabricius (1857–1942), German historian, archaeologist and classical scholar

Georg Fabricius (1516–1571), German poet, historian and archaeologist

Johan Fabricius (1899–1981), Dutch writer, journalist and adventurer

Alexander Carpenter, Latinized Fabricius, (fl. 1429), English religious philosopher and author

Acraea serena

Aurivillius (1898) considers that manjaca Boisduval is a variety of Fabricius' serena which had, in turn, been put in synonymy with terpsicore Linnaeus by Butler (1894), and which then was thought to be eponina Cramer (Le Doux, 1928, Carcasson, 1961).


It is dedicated to "Constantius", who is supposed by Fabricius to be the same Constantius who married Placidia (i.e. Constantius III), the daughter of Theodosius the Great, and who reigned for seven months in conjunction with the Emperor Honorius.

Arsenios Autoreianos

Arsenius went so far as to excommunicate the emperor, who having vainly sought for a pardon, made false accusations against Arsenius which caused him to be banished to Proconnesus, where some years afterwards (according to Fabricius in 1264; others say in 1273) he died.

Bible translations into Tamil

Seventy years after Fabricius, at the invitation of Peter Percival a Saiva scholar, Arumuka Navalar, produced a "tentative" translation, which came to be known as the "Navalar version," and was largely rejected by Tamil Protestants.

Carabus hungaricus

The type specimen is in that part of Fabricius' collection that is at the Zoological Museum of Kiel University.

Cresconius Africanus

Others (with Maassen, p. 810) while admitting that the poem in question can be none other than the Johannis of the aforesaid Latin poet (unknown to Fabricius, and first edited by Mazzuchelli, Milan, 1820), maintain that it has been wrongly attributed to this Cresconius, and that it cannot therefore aid in fixing his date.

Daniel Strejc-Vetterus

Strejc used description by of Iceland by Dithmar Blefken (1607), work of David Fabricius (1616) based on Blefken's work and the map and description from the 1590 atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelius which was based a map by Iceland bishop Gudbrand Thórlaksson.

De Scheepsjongens van Bontekoe

Fabricius's story was based on the actual logbook of 17th-century captain Willem Ysbrandtsz. Bontekoe (Hoorn, 1587–1657), detailing Bontekoe's journey to the Dutch East Indies between 1618 and 1625.

Ernst Fabricius

Fabricius worked with Federico Halbherr on the Italian archaeological mission to Crete, and was a major contributor in the excavation and study of the Gortyn Code ("Leggi di Gortina") on civil rights.

Federico Halbherr, Ernst Fabricius e Domenico Comparetti, Leggi antiche della città di Gortyna in Creta.

Harish Gaonkar

The Arhopala butterflies described by Fabricius: A. centaurus is from Java, A. democritus from Phuket (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), Entomological science, Volume 9 Issue 3, Pages 295 - 311, Published Online: 27 Sep 2006, Richard I. Vane-Wright and Harish Gaonkar, Department of Entomology, the Natural History Museum, London, UK (September 2006).

Hieronymus Fabricius

Marco Aurelio Severino (1580–1656), a skilful surgeon and anatomist, performed at least one tracheotomy during a diphtheria epidemic in Naples in 1610, using the vertical incision technique recommended by Fabricius.

Juergen Toft

In 1980 he moved to North Rhine-Westphalia where he joined the medical team of the Fabricius Klinik in Remscheid, Germany's largest orthopedic hospital run by consultants, specialising in arthroscopic knee surgery and becoming one of the pioneers in Germany.

Leo Allatius

Outside scholarly circles Allatius is perhaps best known today for his De Praeputio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Diatriba (A Discussion of the Foreskin of Our Lord Jesus Christ), a minor essay mentioned in Fabricius's Bibliotheca Graeca (xiv. 17) as an unpublished work.

Nilus of Sinai

Fabricius-Harles, Bibliotheca graeca, X (Hamburg, 1790–1809), 3-17;

Quintus Aemilius Papus

Valerius Maximus, writing much later, said that there was silver in the homes of Gaius Fabricius Luscinus and Quintus Aemilius Papus, the leading men of their era.

Speckled Wood

Pararge xiphia, the Madeiran Speckled Wood butterfly (Fabricius, 1775)


Marco Aurelio Severino (1580–1656), a skillful surgeon and anatomist, performed multiple successful tracheotomies during a diphtheria epidemic in Naples in 1610, using the vertical incision technique recommended by Fabricius.

Victorinus of Pettau

It is incorrect to regard him as the author of two poems, "De Jesu Christo" and "De Pascha", which are included in the collection of Fabricius.


Thais Fabricius, 1807 (Mag. Insekt 6: 283) type Papilio hypsiphyle Fabricius by monotypy.

see also