
unusual facts about Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration

Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration

Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration (FEFA) (Serbian: Факултет за економију, финансије и администрацију / Fakultet za ekonomiju, finansije i administraciju) is a faculty in Novi Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia.

Ivo Perišin

In 1949, Perišin graduated from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics.

Mladen Juran

After obtaining a diploma from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Zagreb in 1964, he went to Paris, where he graduated from the Dramatic Arts College Charles Dullin at Théâtre National Populaire.


Other important features include the Bristol Hotel and the University of Belgrade Faculty of Economics.

Vadim Zvjaginsev

He graduated from Moscow State University (Faculty of Economics) in 1996.

see also