Some months later, when the Time of Troubles started, her mother and her brother, Feodor, were killed by order of False Dmitriy I.
False Bay | False Hare | Dmitriy Forshev | False Dmitriy I | False Creek | Making false statements | false memory syndrome | false flag | False cobra | False Cape | Dmitriy Ustinov | False titles of nobility | False start | False Smiles | False Memory Syndrome Foundation | False memory syndrome | False Memory (novel) | False Memory | False memory | false memory | false light | False Killer Whale | false killer whale | False god | False Folio | False Dmitriy | False Claims Act | False Cape State Park | False Bay College | False arrest |
Due to his active role in the installation of False Dmitriy I to the Moscow throne and later conversion to the Unia, Ignatius has suffered from damnatio memoriae in subsequent ages and often is not counted among the legitimate patriarchs by the Russian Orthodox Church.
The book was based exclusively on Peersson's own experience and on the oral narratives by contemporary Russians (Vasily Shuysky, Maria Nagaya and the retinue of False Dmitriy I) and Western witnesses (Caspar Fiedler, Conrad Bussow).