
3 unusual facts about Fat Hen

Fat Hen

Hen and chicks, common name for a group of small succulent flowering plants native to Europe and northern Africa

Fette Henne, or "fat hen", nickname for the portly eagle of the Coat of arms of Germany that used to decorate the chamber of the Bundestag in Bonn, Germany.

Fat-hen, common name in Britain for Chenopodium album, a fast-growing weedy annual plant that is extensively cultivated and consumed in Northern India as a food crop, where it is referred to in Hindi as "Bathua".

Crosskirk Broch

Samples found at Crosskirk and Bu also include the seeds of other plants such as fat hen, sorrel and chick weed.

see also

The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs

There is another variant on the story, recorded by Syntipas (Perry Index 58) and appearing in Roger L'Estrange's 1692 telling as "A Woman and a Fat Hen" (Fable 87): A good Woman had a Hen that laid her every day an Egg. Now she fansy’d to her self, that upon a larger Allowance of Corn, this Hen might be brought in time to lay twice a day. She try’d the Experiment; but the Hen grew fat upon’t, and gave quite over laying.

Zhang Jue

He had gone into the mountains to gather some medicinal herbs, when he came across an old man; the old man had a youthful countenance, and was carrying a fat-hen walking stick.