
unusual facts about Federal Republic of Germany

A Love in Germany

The film was made 12 years after Willy Brandt, incubent Chancellor of Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) had signed the Treaty of Warsaw (1970) and moreover had knelt down in Warsaw (a gesture known as Warschauer Kniefall).

Brauweiler Abbey

Prisoners included Konrad Adenauer, the former mayor of Cologne and first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Censorship in Germany

When the official government, the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) took over, these limits were relaxed.

Censorship in the Federal Republic of Germany

The Federal Republic of Germany guarantees freedom of speech, expression, and opinion to its citizens as per Article 5 of the constitution.

Christian Pauls

Pauls joined the Foreign Service in 1975 and then served at the German Foreign Office in Bonn and at the embassies of the Federal Republic of Germany in Greece, India, Italy and the USA, where he coincidentally had gone to middle school (Hardy Middle School, Georgetown, Washington DC) when his father, Rolf Friedemann Pauls, was the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United States.

Ernst Heinrich Roth

Albert Roth then decided to move to Bubenreuth in the municipality of Erlangen, in the newly founded Federal Republic of Germany, and in April 1953 the company started trading again from there.

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission

The FCSC and its predecessor agencies have successfully completed 43 claims programs to resolve claims against various countries including the Federal Republic of Germany, Iran, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Italy, Cuba, China, East Germany, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Egypt, Panama, and Albania.

Forsa Institute

Accusations have therefore been levelled at forsa of slanting results against the SPD and its "reformist course" after former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, a longtime friend of Manfred Güllner, stood down in favour of the CDU's Angela Merkel.

Franz Stock

The archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, celebrated Pontifical High Mass in the presence of many French and German bishops, and of René Monory, President of the French Senate and of Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, who, beforehand, had laid down a wreath on Stock's grave.


Between 1982 and 1990 Gudow served as West German inner German border crossing for cars travelling along Bundesautobahn 24 between the East German Democratic Republic, or West Berlin and the West German Federal Republic of Germany.

Hans Schweitzer

He was boycotted as "Goebbel's illustrator", but nonetheless found work designing posters for West German federal press and information office and as an illustrator in the far-right press.

Josef Mattauch

Mattauch was one of the Göttinger Achtzehn (Göttingen eighteen), a group of eighteen leading nuclear researchers of the Federal Republic of Germany who in 1957 wrote a manifesto (Göttinger Manifest, Göttinger Erklärung) opposing chancellor Konrad Adenauer and defense secretary Franz-Josef Strauß's move to arm the West German army with tactical nuclear weapons.

Karl A. Lamers

He passed his First State Examination in Münster and obtained a doctorate in law in 1976, with a dissertation called "Representation and integration of foreign nationals in the Federal Republic of Germany with special regard to suffrage – also a comparative study about local election rights in the member states of the European Communities".

Lansana Diané

In September 1966, he accompanied Ismaël Touré, Minister of Economic Development and Public Works on a visit to the Federal Republic of Germany.

Los Andes Peruvian University

It was 1973 in Junín Region - Concepción with the cooperation of Federal Republic of Germany at that time, where a milk plant was created, that milk plant was called before as "Fongal Centro".

Lutz Aengevelt

This counts as his assistance in research projects of the “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft”, the “German Institute for Urbanisitik” DIFU7, various ministries of the Federal Republic of Germany, the federal states North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Palatinate and Berlin on such topics as "Construction Law", "Industrial development", "Pollution Management" and "Real Estate Marketing".

Memorial to the German Resistance

The visitor enters the museum from Stauffenbergstrasse through an archway, on the wall of which is inscribed: "Here in the former Supreme Headquarters of the Army, Germans organized the attempt of 20 July 1944 to end the Nazi rule of injustice. For this, they sacrificed their lives. The Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Berlin created this new memorial place in the year 1980."

Pitcairnia loki-schmidtiae

The species is named after Hannelore "Loki" Schmidt, wife of former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt.

Prussian Privy State Archives

A Federal statutory body, it is one of the largest repositories of Primary source documents in Germany and spans the history of Prussia, Brandenburg, the House of Hohenzollern and the Prussian Army.

Venice Conference

The conference was chaired by Christian Pineau, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, and attended by Walter Hallstein (Federal Republic of Germany), Paul-Henri Spaak (Belgium), Maurice Faure, French State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Gaetano Martino (Italy), Joseph Bech (Luxembourg) and Johan Willem Beyen (Netherlands).

see also


Bund Westdeutscher Kommunisten, see League of West German Communists, was a Maoist communist political organization in the Federal Republic of Germany, active between 1980 and 1995

Damascus University

Gerhard Schröder - former chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany, Awarded an Honorary Doctorate

Ghriba synagogue bombing

Horst-Wolfram Kerll (de), the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Tunisia and Mr. Boris Boillon Ambassador of the French Republic to Tunisia, marched silently in homage to the victims.

Hallstein Doctrine

The Federal Republic of Germany did not recognize the German Democratic Republic and maintained diplomatic relations with neither the German Democratic Republic nor the other Communist states of Eastern Europe.

Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Berlin

In recognition of the special status of Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, and HKETO Berlin, an ordinance was passed in February 2009 by the Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany.


InWEnt was a non-profit organisation (gGmbH) owned by the Federal Republic of Germany, the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e.

Jurong Hill

H.E.Hans Koschnick - Prime Minister of the state of Bremen, Federal Republic of Germany (29 January 1971)

Lucia Apicella

Mamma Lucia received in August 1951 from Theodor Heuss, President of the Western Germany, the "Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany – Grand Cross".

Mercedes-Benz Type 300

The four-door 300, 300b, 300c (chassis code 186), and successor 300d (chassis code 189) models were often referred to as Adenauers after Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Michael Freytag

For some time he worked in overseas offices of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chicago and at the German Business Association of Hong Kong.

Rapacki Plan

The proposal provided for the establishment of a nuclear-free zone, which should include the People's Republic of Poland, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.

Western Allies

In 1949 the American, British and French sectors in Germany became the Federal Republic of Germany, or West Germany, while the Soviet sector became the German Democratic Republic, or East Germany.