Albert Roth then decided to move to Bubenreuth in the municipality of Erlangen, in the newly founded Federal Republic of Germany, and in April 1953 the company started trading again from there.
At this time, Wunsiedel, Erlangen and Arzberg came into the possession of the House of Hohenzollern.
The following year brought along some success for the band as they won the Local Music Run, a contest by a German youth foundation, in Erlangen-Höchstadt.
Development and construction was carried out by Siemens at Erlangen and Krefeld in Germany.
It was later put to rest at the International Figurentheater-Festival in Erlangen, Germany, May 2009.
Theodor P. Von Brand (June 5, 1927 in Erlangen, Germany – November 15, 2004 in Thurmont, Maryland), (German notation Theodor Philipp Rudolf Freiherr von Brand zu Neidstein) was an American judge descending from a German noble family.
Eldest son of a Lutheran minister, he completed high school in Ansbach and studied theology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen and the University of Leipzig.
Ing. e.h. Bernhard Plettner (December 2, 1914 in Oberlahnstein – November 2, 1997 in Erlangen) was a German engineer and manager.
Christian Ernst of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (Bayreuth, 6 August 1644 – Erlangen, 20 May 1712) was a member of the House of Hohenzollern and Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth.
Christian Ernst took bold decisions in centralizing the regional authorities in Bayreuth, settling Huguenots in Erlangen, and creating a Knight's Academy (German: Ritterakademie), the basis for the Regional University of Erlangen (German: Landesuniversität Erlangen).
Christoph Ernst Luthardt studied theology at Erlangen and Berlin, and in 1856 became professor ordinarius of systematic theology and New Testament exegesis at Leipzig.
After his Habilitation in 1979 he taught at the Universities of Erlangen and Würzburg.
#Christian Ernst (b. Bayreuth, 6 August 1644 - d. Erlangen, 20 May 1712), who became Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth.
Weller was born in Zwickau, Germany in 1926 as Paul Siegfried Erhard Weller and died in Erlangen, Germany.
Ethelbert Stauffer (May 8, 1902, in Friedelsheim – August 1, 1979 in Erlangen) was a German Protestant theologian and numismatist.
He then studied oriental philology for a year (1970-1971) at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität in Erlangen, Germany, before returning to Princeton for doctoral work.
The FSV Erlangen-Bruck is a German association football club from the suburb of Bruck in the city of Erlangen, Bavaria.
He studied philosophy and theology in Erlangen, Halle and Berlin, and as a student had renowned instructors that included Friedrich Schleiermacher, August Neander, G. W. F. Hegel, Philip Marheineke and Friedrich Tholuck.
Today most inhabitants work for the big companies in Erlangen, such as Siemens.
Enzensberger studied literature and philosophy at the universities of Erlangen, Freiburg and Hamburg, and at the Sorbonne in Paris, receiving his doctorate in 1955 for a thesis about Clemens Brentano's poetry.
He studied languages, history, anthropology, and law at Greifswald, Berlin, Göttingen, Erlangen, Lyon (1931–1932), and at the Sorbonne in Paris.
As a freelance director, she directed in 1998 different opera houses in Germany and Austria, including Monteverdi's L'Orfeo in Aachen, Acis and Galatea at the Berlin State Opera and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Zaide in Nuremberg/Erlangen.
Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber (Weißensee, Thuringia, 1739 – Erlangen, 1810), often styled I.C.D. von Schreber, was a German naturalist.
He was a student at the Realschule in Nuremberg and subsequently studied science and medicine at Erlangen and Würzburg.
He was appointed Professor of Theology at Erlangen in 1773, Primarius Professor of Theology at Erlangen in 1773, Primarius Professor of Divinity at Giessen in 1783, and was called in 1785 to Leipzig, where he remained until his death in 1815.
He received his education at Erlangen and Göttingen, and after some time passed in Switzerland, became, in 1792, private secretary to the Count of Erbach-Schönberg, whom he left in 1799 to accept the post of Government councilor at König in Odenwald.
His medical education (at Erlangen, Berlin and Munich) was completed in 1928 and he worked as a physician at psychiatric hospitals in Erlangen, then a year later Gabersee and from 1936 Frankfurt am Main, to which last he was called by Karl Kleist.
From 1848 he had been a member of the Bavarian second chamber, at first representing the district of Erlangen-Fürth, and afterwards Nuremberg, which city also sent him after the war of 1866 as its deputy to the German customs parliament, and from 1871 to 1874 to the first German Reichstag.
He received his rabbinical training at Hassfurt, Höchberg near Würzburg, Mainz, Altona, and at Frankfurt am Main (under Samson Raphael Hirsch), and his university training at Munich, Berlin, Leipsic, and Erlangen (Ph.D. 1868; his thesis, "Der Segen Jacob's", was one of the earliest Jewish essays in the field of the higher Biblical criticism, and its radical character had the effect of closing to him the Jewish pulpit in Germany).
He completed his education at Erlangen, at the Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg with the study of natural science.
The winner of the prestigious Körber European Science Prize was awarded the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach chair with his move from the University of Bath to Erlangen.
Maximilian Schwetz (born January 9, 1991 in Erlangen, Germany) is a German triathlete and Member of the German national triathlon team.
Christian Renner, then Erlangen, now Deggendorf, Germany, at a time when the idea of using the Internet for a direct and group-based information exchange among medical specialists in a very small field of medical science, distributed all over the world, was still something innovative and unusual for the prospected membership.
Nürnberger Nachrichten (NN), originally a local daily in the Nuremberg-Erlangen-Fürth area
Oberreichenbach, Bavaria, a town in the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt, Bavaria
Peter Wiedemann (born 23 October 1953 in Erlangen, Germany) is a German ophthalmologist, specialist in medical and surgical retina and head at the Department of Ophthalmology at the Leipzig University, Germany, since 1993.
These include biomedical information systems and a number of new transdermal therapies, e.g. transdermal hormonal contraception (1988), including its first time clinical proof (together with L. Wildt, University of Erlangen).
The 16 locks are managed from four remote control centers (Neuses since 2007, Kriegenbrunn, Hilpoltstein, and Dietfurt from the beginning of 2007).
He was successively teacher of mathematics and physics at Lüneburg, Rinteln, Kassel and Marburg, and a professor at the Universities of Marburg and Erlangen.
Siemens-Schuckert (or Siemens-Schuckertwerke) was a German electrical engineering company headquartered in Berlin, Erlangen and Nuremberg that was incorporated into the Siemens AG in 1966.
Von Brand was born in the German university city Erlangen as the son of the renowned Bio-Chemist Theodor von Brand who was dismissed from his positions as a professor in 1933 due to his opposition to the ruling National-socialists.
In 1986 he left for Germany for higher studies and joined the Erlangen-Nuremberg University.
Until the 1960s, Uttenreuth had its own train station which connected the cities of Erlangen and Gräfenberg
In April 1943, he was transferred to command the I Battalion, SS Panzer Regiment 1 "LSSAH" in Grafenwöhr and Erlangen, also seeing service in August 1943 in Italy.