Federico Errázuriz Echaurren (1850–1901), president of Chile from 1896 to 1901
Nonetheless, he remained always loyal to the coalition that elected him, and for example never allowed any member of the Radical party into any of his cabinets.
To celebrate the decision to arbitrate and avoid war, Presidente Errázuriz and Argentinian President Julio Argentino Roca held an international meeting in the Strait of Magellan.
President Montt had now fulfilled his term of office, and on the 18th of September 1896 he handed over the presidential power to his successor, Federico Errázuriz Echaurren, who had been duly elected in the month of June previously.
Federico García Lorca | University of Naples Federico II | Federico Luppi | Federico Boyd | Leopoldo Federico | Federico Peña | Federico Hernández Denton | Federico Faggin | Federico Barocci | Luis Federico Leloir | Federico Moccia | Federico Méndez | Federico Halbherr | Federico Garcia Lorca | Federico Errázuriz Echaurren | Federico Cesi | Federico Caffè | Federico Borromeo | Giovanni Federico | Federico Zuccari | Federico Ughi | Federico Savelli | Federico Higuaín | Federico Errázuriz Zañartu | Federico Bahamontes | Federico Agostini | Juan Federico Ponce Vaides | Instituto Regional Federico Errázuriz | Giorgio Federico Ghedini | Federico Trillo |
For this campaign the political forces organized themselves in two big alliances: Liberal-Conservative Coalition, whose candidate was Federico Errázuriz Echaurren, and the Liberal Alliance, whose candidate was the Senator for Santiago Vicente Reyes Palazuelos.