
2 unusual facts about Federico Faggin

Cromemco Dazzler

When Federico Faggin's new company introduced the Z80, Cromemco branched out into their own line of Z80-based S-100 compatible computers almost immediately.

Intel 4040

Federico Faggin proposed the project, formulated the architecture and led the design.

Masatoshi Shima

Following Marcian "Ted" Hoff's initial conception, formulated in 1969, Shima later helped design the 4004 processor, working at the Intel offices for six months- from April until October 1970- with Federico Faggin, the project leader.

Stanley Mazor

He was one of the co-inventors of the world's first microprocessor, the Intel 4004, together with Ted Hoff, Masatoshi Shima, and Federico Faggin.

see also