
3 unusual facts about Fein

Eduard von Falz-Fein

:5th class (13 September 2007) - for outstanding contribution to the preservation of Ukrainian heritage, and active participation in the development of conservation and environmental education activities at the Biosphere Reserve Askania-Nova, named FE Pfalz-Fein Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

:2nd class (22 May 1998) - for his significant contribution to the preservation of the Ukrainian historical and cultural heritage, the active promotion of the Biosphere Reserve Askania-Nova

Honorary Insignia of the President of Ukraine (1994) - for long-term selfless activity to return to the Ukraine national cultural values, personal contribution to the renewal of the reserve Askania-Nova

1988–94 British broadcasting voice restrictions

Research by the Glasgow Media Group indicates that coverage of Sinn Féin by the BBC before the ban was minimal.

A Star Called Henry

Energized by Sinn Féin's victory in the General Election of 1918 and the party's establishment of the independent Irish Republic, Henry participates in the Soloheadbeg Ambush, the first engagement of the Irish War of Independence, as a lookout.

Anthony Greenwald

According to Social Psychology, written by Saul Kassin, Steven Fein and Hazel Rose Markus; Anthony Greenwald, Mahzarin Banaji, Brian Nosek and others have done extensive research on cognition and have collaborated to create the Implicit Association Test (2008, p. 163).

Bogus pipeline

In short, the bogus pipeline is a fake polygraph used to get participants to truthfully respond to emotional/affective questions (Kassin, Fein, and Markus, 2008).

Brian Ervine

At David Ervine's funeral, Brian Ervine was pictured in the international media standing next to his brother's widow, Jeanette Ervine, while she was embraced by the president of Sinn Féin, Gerry Adams.

Gerald O'Sullivan

Gearóid O'Sullivan (1891–1948), Irish teacher, army officer, barrister and Sinn Féin and Fine Gael politician.

Gerry McGeough

He put himself forward as a protest against Sinn Féin's vote in January 2007 to support the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), a key provision of the St Andrews Agreement.

In 2007, McGeough declared he would be standing for election in the Northern Ireland Assembly elections against Sinn Féin in the Fermanagh and South Tyrone constituency.

Illini Media

The friendly rivalry between The Hub and the Buzz was best exemplified by a short-running "feud" between columnists Seth Fein and Don Gerard (current mayor of Champaign.

James McGuinness

Martin McGuinness (James Martin Pacelli McGuinness, born 1950), Irish Sinn Féin politician and deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland

Lucilita Bhreatnach

Growing up in Dublin, Bhreatnach joined Sinn Féin at the age of sixteen and was subsequently active in the Anti H-Block campaign, becoming the Chair of the Stop Strip-Searching Campaign.


Terence MacSwiney (1879–1920), Sinn Féin Lord Mayor of Cork during the Irish War of Independence, died on hunger strike in British jail

Martin Ferris

In February 2005, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Michael McDowell, using parliamentary privilege, named Ferris, as well as Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness, as members of the IRA Army Council, an allegation that has been denied by Ferris and the Sinn Féin leadership.

Mein Herz brennt

The opening line of the song's intro and chorus ('"Nun, liebe Kinder, gebt fein Acht. Ich habe euch etwas mitgebracht" 'Now, dear children, pay attention. I have brought something for you') is taken from the 1950s German children's TV show Das Sandmännchen (The Little Sandman).

Murder of Michaela McAreavey

Notables to visit the wake included Cardinal Edward Daly; 1992 All-Ireland winning manager Brian McEniff; GAA President Christy Cooney, Northern Ireland's First Minister and deputy First Ministers, the Democratic Unionist Peter Robinson and Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness; sports minister Nelson McCausland, enterprise minister Arlene Foster and justice committee chairman Maurice Morrow, Baron Morrow.

Orange Volunteers

02 Dec 2008: Sinn Féin minister Conor Murphy claimed to have been told by the Police Service of Northern Ireland of a recent attempt on his life by the OV in the Newry area.

Padraig O'Malley

Senior negotiators from Northern Ireland (NI), including Martin McGuinness from Sinn Féin, currently Deputy First Minister of NI, Jeffrey Donaldson from the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).

Ripple, Kent

His sister Charlotte Despard, the suffragist, novelist and Sinn Féin activist was also born in Ripple in 1844.

Roy Greenslade

He has had a house in County Donegal for many years, and a close personal friend is Pat Doherty, whom from 1988 until 2009 was vice president of Sinn Fein, and who has been publicly named as a former member of the IRA Army Council.

Ruairí Ó Brádaigh

Among those joining him in Provisional Sinn Féin was his brother, Seán Ó Brádaigh, the first Director of Publicity for Provisional Sinn Féin.

Siobhán O'Hanlon

O'Hanlon was a member of the first Sinn Féin delegation to meet the British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Downing Street in December 1997.

Southern Ireland

The first general election to the House of Commons of Southern Ireland in 1921, and the simultaneous general election to the House of Commons of Northern Ireland, was used by Sinn Féin to produce a single extrajudicial parliament, the Second Dáil.

Steven Fein

Steven Fein is a professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts.

The Resurrection of Hungary

Instead it was split between republicans (those associated with the Easter Rising in 1916 and who had subsequently joined Sinn Féin) who advocated the creation of a new republic with an elected head of state, and those who advocated the creation of an Irish monarchy, albeit now with a monarch chosen from any royal house but the House of Windsor.

United Irelander

With the 2007 General Election approaching, several TDs have been interviewed including Labour's Tommy Broughan, Sinn Féin's Arthur Morgan and Independent Tony Gregory.

West Cork by-election, 1916

2Healy was imprisoned in Frongoch internment camp for supposedly being associated with Sinn Féin, but Sinn Féin repudiated his candidacy for not revoking to take his seat at Westminster, instead had been supported by William O'Brien, who was leader of the All-for-Ireland League.

see also