It was a cloudy day in Paris and there was a large crowd, including the Emperor and Empress, King Fernando of Portugal and the Prince of Orange.
Portugal | San Fernando Valley | Portugal national football team | Fernando Botero | Sporting Clube de Portugal | Oeiras Municipality, Portugal | Fernando Alonso | San Fernando | Fernando de Noronha | San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago | John VI of Portugal | Fernando de la Rúa | Rádio e Televisão de Portugal | John I of Portugal | Fernando Henrique Cardoso | Fernando Arrabal | Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alba | Santarém, Portugal | Manuel I of Portugal | John V of Portugal | Portugal. The Man | Portugal national rugby union team | Carlos I of Portugal | Aveiro, Portugal | Taça de Portugal | Social Democratic Party (Portugal) | Sebastian of Portugal | Fernando de la Mora | Espinho, Portugal | San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca |