
unusual facts about First Jewish–Roman War

First Jewish–Roman War

A new military governor was then appointed from Rome, Lucilius Bassus, whose assigned task was to undertake the "mopping-up" operations in Judea.


The shekel of Tyre was subsequently replaced as the Temple tax in AD 66 by the Jerusalem shekel of the First Jewish revolt against Rome.

Y-chromosomal Aaron

and some suggested that 4/4 matches in non-Jewish Italians might be a genetic inheritance from Jewish slaves, deported by Emperor Titus in large numbers after the fall of the Temple in AD 70, some of whom were put to work building the Colosseum in Rome.

see also


Cestius Gallus, Roman legate of Syria at the start of the first Jewish-Roman War, defeated by Eleazar ben Simon at Beth Horon in 66 CE