Conservation groups, led by the Colorado Open Space Coordination Council and including Sierra Club, The Wilderness Society, Defenders of Wildlife, and the National Audubon Society, supported protecting a much larger, 230,000-acre area that included lower elevation forest and lakes outside the primitive area.
local government area | San Francisco Bay Area | Important Bird Area | Unincorporated area | Greater Toronto Area | Urban area | metropolitan area | New York metropolitan area | Bay Area Rapid Transit | TOPS | urban area | European Economic Area | Area 51 | TOPS-20 | Greater Los Angeles Area | Chicago metropolitan area | flat | South Pacific Area | Schengen Area | Four Tops | American Viticultural Area | Ah, Wilderness! | wilderness | Wide Area Augmentation System | Special Protection Area | National Wilderness Preservation System | Local area network | local area network | Flat Earth | Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area |