orchid | Melbourne Cricket Ground | Sydney Cricket Ground | ground beetle | fruit | WACA Ground | Lord's Cricket Ground | United Fruit Company | Orange (fruit) | Gennifer Flowers | Flowers for Algernon | Advanced Landing Ground | Aberdeen Proving Ground | North Marine Road Ground, Scarborough | Ground Zero | Dugway Proving Ground | Boleyn Ground | BGM-109G Ground Launched Cruise Missile | Victoria Ground | Orchid | Old Trafford Cricket Ground | Edgbaston Cricket Ground | dried fruit | Brandon Flowers | Wompoo Fruit Dove | Wild Orchid | Russian Ground Forces | Old Trafford (football ground) | Northop Hall Cricket Club Ground | Marine Air-Ground Task Force |
The grounds showcase thousands of orchids, including two-dozen varieties of Cattleya quadricolor and beds of Dendrobium and Spathoglottis orchids, plus a cypress swamp, tropical flowering trees, palms and vines.