
unusual facts about Orchid

Buddleja davidii 'Orchid'

Buddleja davidii 'Orchid' is an American cultivar raised by Anne Rainey of Columbia, South Carolina, and introduced to commerce by Niche Gardens, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Alfred National Park

The park is particularly known for occurrence of four varieties of tree ferns and of epiphytic orchids such as the orange-blossom orchid Sarcochilus falcatus and the rock orchid Dendrobium speciosum.

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid

A team of researchers sets off into an island of South Kalimantan and West Kalimantan to search for a "blood orchid", a flower they believe can be used as a type of fountain of youth.

Berlin-Dahlem Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum

The complex consists of several buildings and glass-houses, such as the Cactus Pavilion and the Pavilion Victoria (which features a collection of orchids, carnivorous plants and giant white water lily Victoria-Seerosen).

Bog Orchid

Hammarbya paludosa (or Malaxis paludosa), a Northern Hemisphere species of orchid.

Brixton Street Wetlands

Four of the species are classified as Declared Rare Flora, including the Purdie's donkey orchid (Diuris Purdiei).

C. coccinea

Cattleya coccinea, a synonym for Sophronitis coccinea, an orchid species occurring from Brazil to Argentina

Cattleya aclandiae

Cattleya aclandiae ("Lady Ackland's Cattleya") is a species of orchid from the genus Cattleya, named in honor of Lady Lydia Elizabeth Acland, wife of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 10th Baronet who was the first European to grow the plant successfully.

Coclé Province

Coclé is also home to APROVACA orchid conservation center, which conducts orchid conservation activities, including orchid reintroduction into the wild and a sponsorship program for the Panamanian national flower Peristeria elata.

Cymbidium elegans

Cymbidium elegans (Chinese: 莎草蘭 or 莎草兰) is an orchid species in the genus Cymbidium found in South West China.

Desert Orchid

His part-owner Richard Burridge has stated that it was for this reason that Desert Orchid would have struggled in the Grand National: connections felt he could do himself serious injury at the ninety-degree Canal Turn especially on the second circuit (ref. Richard Burridge: The Grey Horse: The True Story of Desert Orchid).

Desert Orchid followed up with wins at Sandown and Wincanton, before finishing third in the Queen Mother Champion Chase at Cheltenham, three lengths behind Pearlyman.

Dockrillia linguiforme

Dockrillia linguiforme, the Button Orchid , Tongue Orchid or Tick Orchid is a common small orchid, growing north from Ulladulla in south eastern New South Wales, Australia.

Dumbrava Filei River

The Dumbrava Filei valley is a natural park for the protection of the Cypripedium calceolus (Lady's slipper orchid).

E. gigantea

Epipactis gigantea, the stream orchid or giant helleborine, an orchid species

Estigmene acrea

The moth does not seem to be affected by any type of pyrrolizidine alkaloid present in many plant families, including the borage, legume, dogbane, and orchid families, and the tribes Senecioneae and Eupatorieae of the aster family.

Eulophia petersii

The leaves of this orchid are thick, fleshy and very fibrous and have a sharp serrated edge and resemble those of some species of Aloe or some Sansevieria species and are usually 40 cm long.

Galley Down Wood

Although the ground flora largely consists of ivy (Hedera helix) and sanicle (Sanicula europaea), there are several other species present, including three scarce orchids: bird's-nest orchid (Neottia nidus-avis), white helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium), fly orchid (Ophrys insectifera), greater butterfly orchid (Platanthera chlorantha) and sword-leaved helleborine (Cephalanthera longifolia).

Hobbs Quarry SSSI, Longhope

The upper edges of the reserve were not quarried and the area supports ancient woodland flowers such as Wood Anemone, Wood Sorrel, Primrose, Sweet Woodruff, Greater Butterfly-orchid, Herb Paris and Bluebell.

Kanaung Mintha

In 1978 Ne Win, ruler of Burma since leading a military coup in 1964, married June Rose Bellamy, aka Yadana Nat-Me (Precious Angel), a great granddaughter of Ka Naung, daughter of Princess Hteiktin Ma Lat and Herbert Bellamy, an Australian orchid collector long settled in Burma.

L. imbricata

Lockhartia imbricata, an orchid species found from Trinidad to tropical South America


Trichocentrum lacerum, a species of orchid found from Central America to Colombia

Lissopimpla excelsa

The orchid dupe wasp was first described by Italian entomologist Achille Costa in 1864 as Pimpla excelsa, before being placed in (and becoming the type species of) the new genus Lissopimpla in 1889 by Joseph Kriechbaumer, who called it Lissopimpla octo-guttata Kriechb.


According to Cássio van den Berg, who studied their phylogeny, Loefgrenianthus is closely related to Leptotes and both form a sister clade to another small clade that includes Pseudolaelia, Constantia and Isabellia.

Manusela National Park

Among the plants that grow in this park are Avicennia, Dryobalanops and Pandanus species, Alstonia scholaris, Terminalia catappa, Shorea selanica, Octomeles sumatrana, Bruguiera sexangula, Melaleuca leucadendra, Pometia pinnata, Rhizophora acuminata and various species of orchid.

Mount Toby

Fern and orchid species are particularly prolific on the mountain; forty-two of forty-five possible native fern species grow there as do rare orchids such as the Showy Lady Slipper and the Ram’s Head Lady Slipper.

National symbols of Colombia

The national flower of Colombia is the orchid Cattleya trianae which was named after the Colombian naturalist José Jerónimo Triana.

Nikolay Rumyantsev

As a result, his name came to be attached to such exotic things as Spiranthes romanzoffiana, a North American orchid, Papilio rumanzovia, a large butterfly from the Philippines, and was, between 1812 and 1842 the Russian name (залив Румянцева) for present day Bodega Bay, California.

Oligonychus sacchari

The main plant host for O. sacchari is sugar cane, but it also been observed on other grasses, including Bambusa arundinacea, Setaria italica, Sorghum arundinaceum, Sorghum halepense and Sorghum vulgare, and an orchid of the genus Dendrobium.

Orchid Cellmark

Orchid Cellmark is a DNA testing company offering a DNA paternity testing service in Europe.

Orchid hunting

Tom Hart Dyke, a plant hunter who follows the tradition of the Victorian and Edwardian orchid hunters, was held in 2000 by kidnappers thought to be FARC guerillas in the Darien Gap between Panama and Colombia, while hunting for rare orchids, a plant for which he has a particular passion.

P. hastata

Prosthechea hastata (Lindl.) W.E.Higgins (1997 publ. 1998), an orchid species in the genus Prosthechea

Phaius tancarvilleae

Later, Joseph Banks named the plant in honour of Lady Emma Tankerville, as the orchid flowered in her greenhouse at Walton-on-Thames near London.

Pink Panther jewel

The pink diamond comes in shades ranging from a pastel rose, such as the Pink Orchid, to intense purple-reds such as the Moussaieff Red Diamond.

Platanthera yosemitensis

Platanthera yosemitensis (Yosemite Bog-orchid) is a species of orchid that is endemic to nine wet montane meadows between the main stem and the South Fork of the Merced River in Yosemite National Park.

Polystachya subdiphylla

Polystachya subdiphylla is a species of orchid native to Tanzania (Nguru Mountains and Uluguru Mountains)


There are also a number of flower growing operations growing Sandersonia, calla lilies, orchids and hydrangeas for export markets all over the world.

Restrepia dodsonii

Restrepia dodsonii, commonly called the Dodson's Restrepia, is a species of orchid endemic to Ecuador (Pichincha).

S. sinensis

Spiranthes sinensis, the Chinese spiranthes, an orchid species occurring in much of eastern Asia, west to the Himalayas, south and east to New Zealand and north to Siberia

Shenandoah Acres

The cranberry bog was well known by botanists as a location for several rare plants and orchids including the rose pogonia and grass pink orchids.

Sleeping Giant Provincial Park

Plants found in the park include 23 species of orchids including Bog Adder's-mouth (Malaxis paludosa) and Small Round-leafed Orchis (Amerorchis Rotundifolia), two of Ontario's rarest species, as well as 22 species of alpine arctic disjuncts.

Susan Orlean

Orlean is the author of several books, including The Orchid Thief, a profile of Florida orchid grower, breeder, and collector John Laroche.


It is common among Lady's Slipper orchids (Cypripedioideae) that the two lateral sepals are connate to form a synsepal in the outer whorl.

T. laxa

Trichopilia laxa, an orchid species found from western South America to Venezuela

T. rubra

Thelymitra rubra, the salmon sun orchid, an orchid species endemic to southeastern Australia

Thomas Lobb

Phalaenopsis amabilis (1846), an epiphytic moth orchid from rainforests across Java, Philippines, New Guinea and Northern Australia;


Vanilleae is an orchid tribe in the subfamily Vanilloideae.

Yellow Honeyeater

The Yellow Honeyeater hovers in front of the spectacular flowers of the wild Bottlebrush Orchid or Coelandria smillieae which appear in northern Queensland between August and November, while feeding upon the nectar and pollinating the flowers.

see also