ForeBears is a 2013 documentary film by Varg Vikernes and his wife Marie Cachet.
The end consists of 10 minutes of footage of a cave while Varg recites an excerpt of the Poetic Edda set to a folk metal-style backing.
Next, it is mainly composed of footage of Varg driving a Lada car from 1988 while reciting excerpts from the Egyptian Book of the Dead intercut with footage of Marie and her three children participating in ancient pagan rituals.
Anand Krishna was born on November 12, 1925 into a family of Varanasithat traced its lineage to Patani Mall whose forebears served as Diwans to Moghul courts and British East India Company.
The Anglo-Saxon mission began in the last decade of the 7th century in Frisia, whence, Benedict reminded the monks he urged to come to the continental missions, their forebears had come: "Take pity on them, for they themselves are now saying, 'We are of one blood and one bone with you.'" The missions, which drew down the energy and initiative of the English church, spread south and east from there.
The Count, whose immediate forebears were Scots, was Captain of the Scots Guards.
Also it is reported, every year they conducted a ceremony of reciting poems of their royal forebears of their valour and deeds on the first day of Tamil month of Chittirai.
It now resides in Cross Street, between where Mrs Gaskell's husband's Unitarian Cross Street Chapel used to stand, and the little graveyard of St Ann's Church where Thomas de Quincey's forebears are buried, and in whose font Thomas de Quincey was himself christened.
His forebears also include a number of notable Anglo-American religious leaders including the Rev. John Cotton, Dean of Emmanuel College, Cambridge who was the spiritual leader of the New England colonies; Rev. Solomon Stoddard, one of the most influential colonial ministers and the grandfather of the famous Rev. Jonathan Edwards and ancestor of United States Vice President Aaron Burr.
He was born on Tyneside in northern England in 1947 and is descended from English and Irish forebears.
Both the Emerson and the Bliss family forebears came to Massachusetts with the first generation of Puritan settlers in the 1630s, and both families’ histories deeply involved religious ministry.
Historical research leaves no doubt that the forebears of the famous painter Hans Memling, born about 1435 in Seligenstadt, came from Mömlingen.
Howe argued that the Anglo-Saxons, descendents of peoples who had traveled from continental Europe to settle Britain and then returned to Europe to convert their pagan forebears (Howe discusses Wilfrid, Saint Willibrord, and Saint Boniface, in connection with such poems as Beowulf and Exodus), were very conscious of their return to Europe and saw themselves as an integral part of and parallel to "the Israelite and Hebrew migration in biblical history".
This was followed by Le Satyre de la Villette, with André Barsacq at the Théâtre de l'Atelier, a comedy which ranked him with his literary forebears Jacques Audiberti, Ionesco, Beckett.
Former US President Bill Clinton has claimed that his distant forebears came from Roslea, though these claims have been dismissed by the Directory of Irish Genealogy as "baseless".
U Thant's father, according to Thant Myint-U (U Thant's grandson), had both Buddhist and Muslim forebears.