
unusual facts about Foreign Ministry


According to the "December Constititution", a redraft of the emperor's 1861 February Patent, the Austrian government was generally responsible in all affairs concerning the Cisleithanian lands, except for the common Austro-Hungarian Army, the Austro-Hungarian Navy and the Foreign Ministry, these k.u.k. matters remained reserved for the Imperial and Royal Ministers' Council for Common Affairs of Austria-Hungary.

Ivan Hristov Bashev

According to a Foreign Ministry statement, he was alone, and had been caught in a sudden snowstorm while skiing on mount Vitosha near Sofia.

see also

2013 Iranian embassy bombing

Iranian foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham blamed Israel for the attack, calling it "an inhuman crime and spiteful act done by Zionists and their mercenaries".

Avi Mizrahi

Mizrahi noted that Turkey had no right to criticize Israel's action as Turkey itself stationed troops in Northern Cyprus, oppressed its Kurdish minority, and massacred Armenians during World War I. Israeli ambassador was summoned to Turkey's foreign ministry to explain these remarks, while IDF Spokesperson's Unit issued a statement saying Mizrahi's words do not represent any official position.

Ayman Hazza' al-Majali

In 1976 al-Majali returned to Jordan and was appointed acting Chief of Protocol for the foreign ministry until 1980 when he became the Director of the office of Queen Noor of Jordan.

Bernt Carlsson

A native of Stockholm, Carlsson joined the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League when he was sixteen, studied economics at Stockholm University and, upon graduation, went into Sweden's foreign ministry.

Charles Louis Kades

On February 13, 1946 Whitney and the Steering Committee members presented four copies of the completed GHQ draft to Foreign Minister Shigeru Yoshida, Misister of State in charge of new constitution Jōji Matsumoto, Foreign ministry interpreter Genkichi Hasegawa, and Yoshida's aid Jirō Shirasu.

Constantin Karadja

As the Romanian consul general in Berlin (1931-1941) and the director of the consular department of the Romanian Foreign Ministry (15 June 1941–17 October 1944), “in both functions, during one and a half decades, Karadja developed an intense activity in order to save Romanian Jews surprised by the war in the kingdom of death”.

Donald Boström

Israeli daily Ma'ariv reported that Bostrom's 2001 book Inshallah, which deals with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and reportedly included the allegations of organ harvesting relating to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute, was financed - among other bodies - by the Swedish Foreign Ministry.

Eric Moonman

From 1980 it was funded instead by the World Zionist Organization and from 1985 also by the Israel Foreign Ministry.

Eugen Binder-Kriegelstein

He then went to work briefly for the press office of the Foreign Ministry of the Ottoman Empire in Constantinople.

Halden Reactor

Later Norway's foreign ministry filed a complaint with PST.

Hasbara Fellowships

In May 2007, Hasbara Fellowships (co-sponsored by the Israeli Foreign Ministry) called for volunteers to counter a "dangerous trend" of Wikipedia entries portraying Israel in a "negative light".

Incidents in the Gaza War

--OFFICALS SPELLED WRONG IN TITLE-->Human Rights Watch noted in the open letter to Ismail Haniyeh that despite his Foreign Ministry stance as part of response to the Goldstone Report, Palestinian armed groups remain responsible for firing rockets indiscriminately or deliberately at Israeli civilian objects.

Indonesia–Israel relations

The Indonesian Foreign Ministry advised that the national tennis team was pulling out of its Fed Cup matches in Israel saying "We are witnessing a military invasion by Israel and the arrest of scores of Palestinian officials...It is now impossible to play there".

Isaura Navarro

Navarro became involved in controversy following an official trip to Peru when she was alleged to have asked for an official car for her partner who was an international observer for the upcoming electoral process, as well as allowing him to participate in official dinners without the knowledge of the Spanish foreign ministry.

István Csáky

After that he worked at the Hungarian embassies to the Vatican and in Bucharest, Madrid and Lisbon, and filled several positions in the Foreign Ministry in Budapest.


Landmarks of Katajanokka include the Russian Orthodox Cathedral, also known as Uspenski Cathedral (architect Alexey Gornostaev, 1868), the Merikasarmi complex of the Foreign Ministry (architect Carl Ludvig Engel, 1825) and the Finnish headquarters of Stora Enso (architect Alvar Aalto, 1962; the most controversial of Aalto's works).

Leaf In A Bitter Wind

Later, Ye was accepted into Beijing University where she studied English before being assigned to the Foreign Ministry as a translator for the delegations of such dignitaries as Queen Elizabeth II, Ronald Reagan and Imelda Marcos.

Li Daoyu

A descendant of Li Hongzhang, Li graduated from the University of Shanghai in 1952, and entered the foreign ministry of PRC.

Mohammad Anwar Anwarzai

In February 2002, immediately after the Bonn Agreement, Anwarzai returned to Afghanistan and was assigned to the Afghan Foreign Ministry as the Director of the Fourth Political Department responsible for European countries.

Otto Christian Archibald von Bismarck

A lawyer, he became the owner of the family estate in Schönhausen and joined the diplomatic service in 1927, serving in Stockholm (1927–28), London (1928–37), with the Foreign Ministry in Berlin (1937–40), as Envoy to Rome (Kingdom of Italy) (1940–43), and finally as head of the Italian section of the Foreign Ministry (1943–44).

Qiao Guanhua

With the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, Qiao Guanhua was first identified as member of the counter-revolutionary clique ruling the Foreign Ministry along with Chen Yi and Ji Pengfei.

Sergey Malov

For the Foreign Ministry, S.E. Malov studied languages and customs of Turkic peoples living in China (Uyghurs, Salars, Sarts, and Kyrgyz).

Sudan – South Sudan Border War

On 15 April 2012, according to IRIB World Service, an Iran Broadcasting channel, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said that Iran fully monitors the developments in the region, and calls on South Sudan to immediately and unconditionally pull back its forces and return to its territory behind the designated borders.

Symbols of France

It appears on the cover of French passports and was adopted originally by the French Foreign Ministry as a symbol for use by diplomatic and consular missions in 1912 using a design by the sculptor Jules-Clément Chaplain.

Ted Robert Gurr

In 2004-05 he organized a workshop on economic roots of terrorism for the Club de Madrid’s International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security, which was convened by the Spanish Foreign Ministry to commemorate the first anniversary of the Madrid train bombings in March 2004.

Thorleif Lintrup Paus

He served as bureau chief at the Foreign Ministry, first secretary at the embassy in Washington D.C. and the mission in Bern, counselor at the embassy in London, counselor at the embassy in Rome and from 1962 consul general in Singapore.

Wilhelm Strasse

Wilhelmstrasse trial, the Nuremberg trial of foreign ministry officials