In "The Honking", an episode of the animated TV series Futurama, the main characters, wishing to learn about a curse that has afflicted Bender, consult with a fortune teller machine, which, like many of the other machines of the 31st Century is sentient.
In the eleventh and final series of Big Brother (UK) and the Ultimate Big Brother series, a fortune teller machine named Bob Righter (an anagram of Big Brother), was present in the main living area of the house.
That machine was referenced in "Fortune in Flames", a second season episode of the reality television series Pawn Stars.
Fortune 500 | Enigma machine | Rage Against the Machine | Automated teller machine | Fortune (magazine) | Fortune | Victor Talking Machine Company | Soft Machine | The Time Machine | Linotype machine | Bonwit Teller | Vickers machine gun | DeLorean time machine | Darne machine gun | Rube Goldberg machine | Penn & Teller | Outrageous Fortune | MG 17 machine gun | Juergen Teller | Edward Teller | The Wolseley Sheep Shearing Machine Company | Penn & Teller: Bullshit! | Machine Head (band) | Machine Head | KPV heavy machine gun | Thomas Fortune Ryan | slot machine | Robert Fortune | machine | Fortune-telling |