
unusual facts about Fragments: Chronicle of a Vanishing

Zrinko Ogresta

Fragments: Chronicle of a Vanishing (Krhotine - Kronika jednog nestajanja) (1991) - writer and director

Acropora grandis

When fragments of Acropora grandis were planted into a mid-water nursery bed, over 95% survived and these were later transplanted onto a reef at Phi Phi Islands, Thailand that had been devastated by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.

Anglo-Saxon glass

Hundreds of window glass fragments have been found at Jarrow, Wearmouth, Brandon, Whithorn and Winchester.

Antillean Cave Rail

Bone fragments of this species were first unearthed by archaeologist Theodoor de Booy in kitchen midden deposits on the Richmond estate near Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands in July 1916 and described by Alexander Wetmore in 1918.


In 1978 it was attacked and reduced to hundreds of fragments which were meticulously put back together by specialists from the São Paulo Museum of Art.

Autobiography of Red

Autobiography of Red (1998) is a verse novel by Anne Carson, based loosely on the myth of Geryon and the Tenth Labor of Herakles, especially on surviving fragments of the lyric poet Stesichorus' poem Geryoneis.

Barbara G. Adams

Her final work was based upon vase fragments from a cemetery at Abydos.

Basel Historical Museum

Leading highlights include: the Basel Cathedral treasure, the Basel and Strasbourg tapestries, the fragments of Basel’s dance of death, altars and ecclesiastical graphic works, the estate of Erasmus of Rotterdam, the coin cabinet and glass painting.

Bob Bruggers

He was involved in the same 1975 plane crash that involved pilot Joseph Michael Farkas (he ended up in a coma and died the next year), wrestling legends Johnny Valentine (broke his back and bone fragments impacted into his spinal cord, which ended his career), Tim Woods (Mr. Wrestling), and Ric Flair (broke his back, but recovered and returned to wrestling), and Jim Crockett Promotions' announcer David Crockett.

Book of Tobit

The Greek II version, which is 1700 words longer, is found in Codex Sinaiticus and closely aligns with the Hebrew and Aramaic fragments found at Qumran.


Sheep and goat comprised approximately 80% of the 5800 identifiable fragments of animal remains found.

Bowl of Utu

Only two fragments of the bowl are known to exist and were unearthed in Nippur (Ianna Temple) by the archaeologist Hermann Volrath Hilprecht in 1889.


Fragments from the 12th to the 17th century have been identified, the most impressive being the fine early-17th-century Ten Commandments over the chancel arch, framed in twining leaves with cherubs' faces peering out.


Archaeological excavations at Carlogie prior to the A92 road improvements (1998–2000) revealed pottery fragments that were tentatively dated to the Late Neolithic period.

Coptic versions of the Bible

In 1778 Woide issued a prospectus in which he announced his intention of publishing from Oxford manuscripts the fragments of the New Testament "iuxta interpretationem dialecti Superioris Aegypti, quae Thebaidica seu Sahidica appellantur".

Corpus Aristotelicum

The numeration of the fragments in a revised edition by Rose, published in the Teubner series, Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum fragmenta, Leipzig, 1886, is still commonly used (indicated by R3), although there is a more current edition with a different numeration by Olof Gigon (published in 1987 as a new vol. 3 in Walter de Gruyter's reprint of the Bekker edition), and a new de Gruyter edition by Eckart Schütrumpf is in preparation.

Dioscorus of Aphrodito

Important fragments of Athenian Comedy, both Old and New, were discovered among these papyri, including fragments of the famous comedy writer Menander.


The fossil record of this species is fragmentary; remains in Cernay, France, include a mandible, a complete radius, and fragments of a humerus.


The first remains of Dorygnathus, isolated bones and jaw fragments from the Schwarzjura, the Posidonia Shale dating from the Toarcian, were discovered near Banz, Bavaria and in 1830 described by Carl Theodori as Ornithocephalus banthensis, the specific name referring to Banz.


In 1986 fossil jaw fragments containing multicusped teeth were found in Dockum Group rocks in western Texas.

Forgotten Silver

The film also shows fragments of an epic Biblical film supposedly made by McKenzie in a giant set in the forests of New Zealand, and a 'computer enhancement' of a McKenzie film providing clear evidence that New Zealander Richard Pearse was the first man to invent a powered aircraft, several months prior to the Wright Brothers.

Giorgio Federico Ghedini

Ghedini's most celebrated concert piece is Concerto dell'Albatro (Albatross Concerto) for violin, cello, piano, narrator and orchestra, which includes fragments from Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick in its final movement.


The plant microfossil analysis recovered fragments of conifer tracheid and vessel elements with a ray of parenchyma cells, which corroborates the consumption of wood plants, pollen grains, spores, and fibers.

Heinrich der Glïchezäre

Of the German poem in its original form entitled Isengrïnes nöt (Isengrin's trouble), only a few fragments are preserved in a mutilated manuscript discovered in 1839 in the Hessian town of Melsungen.

Henri Valois

Valois took from it numerous previously unedited fragments of earlier historians, which he published in 1634: Polybii, Diodori Siculi, Nicolai Damasceni, Dionysii Halicarnassii, Appiani, Alexandri, Dionis et Ioannis antiocheni excerpta.

Human Genome Sciences

HGS had a partnership for several years after its founding with Craig Venter and his non-profit TIGR to begin sequencing and submitting patents on hundreds of thousands of protein-encoding DNA fragments.


Chorea is a continuous, random-appearing sequence of one or more discrete involuntary movements or movement fragments.

Kabbalah: Primary texts

There are several larger documents of the heichalot, such as Hekhalot Rabbati, in which six of the seven palaces of God are described, Hekhalot Zutarti, Shiur Komah and 6th-century 3 Khanokh, as well as hundreds of small documents, many little more than fragments.

Kilmore, County Armagh

Finds from the area include a 12th-century silver finger ring, a bone comb, fragments of a lignite bracelet, skeletal remains from fields surrounding the church and an early 10th-century copper alloy and crutch-headed pin now in the British Museum.

La Sainte Courtisane

Rudolf Wagner-Régeny set the fragments to music in 1930 for 4 speakers and chamber orchestra.

Little Foot

In 1994 while searching through museum boxes labelled 'Cercopithecoids' containing fossil fragments, paleoanthropologist Ronald J. Clarke identified several that were unmistakably hominin.

Lucius Coelius Antipater

His fragments, several of which are preserved in Nonius, are to be found appended to the editions of Sallust by Joseph Wasse, Corte, and Havercamp; and also in Krause's Vitae et Fragmenta vet.

Magdalen papyrus

The "Magdalen" papyrus was purchased in Luxor, Egypt in 1901 by Reverend Charles Bousfield Huleatt (1863–1908), who identified the Greek fragments as portions of the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 26:23 and 31) and presented them to Magdalen College, Oxford, where they are cataloged as P. Magdalen Greek 17 (Gregory-Aland \mathfrak{P}64) and whence they have their name.

Marcus Cornelius Fronto

It was not until 1956 that Bernhard Bischoff identified a third manuscript (consisting of a single leaf) that contained fragments of Fronto's correspondence with Verus, which overlapped the Milan palimpsest; however, the actual manuscript had been first published in 1750 by Dom Tassin, who conjectured that it might have been the work of Fronto.

Michelino Molinari da Besozzo

Michelino's last known work is the fresco with the Procession of the Magi in the church of Santa Maria di Podone of Milan and fragments in the Rocca Borromeo di Angera (1445–1446).

Música sertaneja

It was born from recordings made by journalist and writer Cornélio Pires of "tales" and fragments of traditional songs in the interior of rural São Paulo, north and west of Paraná, south Minas Gerais and Triângulo Mineiro, Goiás and Mato Grosso southeast.

Neglinnaya River

There were four bridges across the Neglinnaya River: Voskresensky Bridge (its fragments unearthed during a 1994 excavation), three-span Kuznetsky Bridge, Troitsky Bridge and Petrovsky Bridge (the remains of the latter discovered during the reconstruction of the Maly Theatre).

Opus Anglicanum

Others were buried with their owners, as with the vestments of the mid-13th century Bishops, Walter de Cantilupe and William de Blois, fragments of which were recovered when their tombs in Worcester Cathedral were opened in the 18th century.

Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 236

Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 236 (P. Oxy. 236 or P. Oxy. II 236) consists of three fragments concerning Ptolemy Neos Dionysus (Auletes), written in Greek.

Patt Junction Bus Bombing

The charred remains of the bus were shipped to America and displayed at the biannual Jewish Expo fair in New York at the initiative of Zaka, an Israeli rescue and body parts recovery organization whose volunteers scrape up fragments of blood and flesh from bomb scenes for burial in keeping with Jewish law.

Peter Filkins

Filkins previously translated the complete poems of Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann and two of her novel fragments, as well as a novel by Alois Hotschnig.

Peter Le Neve

Among his library's holdings was a volume of fragments that found its way into the collection of Richard Rawlinson and thence to the Bodleian Library, Oxford, that contains the so-called "Rawlinson Excidium Troie", a unique testimony to a Latin account of the Trojan War that was used by many medieval writers.

Pioneer Helmet

The fragments of this helmet were found during excavations at Wollaston, Northamptonshire on a site operated by Pioneer Aggregates.

Plea rolls

Volume IV, Rolls or Fragments of Rolls From the Years 1207-1212 by Doris Mary Stenton.

Roland Barthes

Jeffrey Eugenides's "The Marriage Plot" draws out excerpts from Barthes's "A Lover's Discourse: Fragments" as a way to depict the unique intricacies of love that one of the main characters, Madeleine Hanna, experiences throughout the novel.

Schänis Abbey

According to the report of a monk from Reichenau Abbey the founder was believed to be Count Hunfried of Chur-Rhaetia, who was said to have promised Charlemagne to make the foundation for the worthy safekeeping of a precious reliquary cross containing a fragments of the True Cross, as well as an onyx vessel containing some of the Blood of Christ.

Synthetic genomics

The J. Craig Venter Institute has assembled a quasi-synthetic Mycoplasma genitalium yeast genome by recombination of 25 overlapping fragments in a single step.

The Book of Giants

In 1904, German expeditions to Central Asia (Turpan in present northwest China) brought back many fragments of Manichaean holy texts, some of which were identified as belonging to The Book of Giants.


Waldere, Old English epic poem surviving only in fragments

see also