
5 unusual facts about Frederick Steele

De Valls Bluff, Arkansas

Major General Frederick Steele proceeded to DeValls Bluff from Helena, and the city was used to house supplies and injured Union soldiers for the remainder of the war.

Fort Fred Steele State Historic Site

Fort Steele was named for the recently deceased General Frederick Steele.

Frederick Steele

On March 23, 1864, Steele began his march with eight thousand soldiers from Little Rock south to Arkadelphia, where he was joined by John M. Thayer, who commanded another four thousand troops.

Leola, Arkansas

In 1864, the Camden Expedition (part of a larger military operation, the Red River Campaign), under the command of General Frederick Steele, marched his union troops along the Old Camden Road that passed through Leola after his supplies were depleted and Gen. Kirby's Confederates were on his rear flank as they approached the Jenkins Ferry on the Saline River.

Sinclair, Wyoming

Steele was named for American Civil War Union General Frederick Steele and established June 20, 1868 to protect the Union Pacific Railway as it rapidly expanded west.

Benjamin Franklin Gordon

In March and April of 1864, Shelby's men harassed and skirmished with the Union Army force under the command of Major General Frederick Steele during his Camden Expedition, part of the Red River Campaign.

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