
unusual facts about French colonies


The system of militarily organized police departments enlarged upon Europe since the Napoleonic era as well as in many former French colonies and mandated territories.

Saïd Mohammedi

During World War II, he joined the Mufti to work with the German Luftwaffe, hoping that Hitler's defeat of France would lead to the liberation of Algeria and other French colonies.

see also

Beurger King Muslim

It is located in the eastern Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, where many locals are first- or second-generation Muslim immigrants from former French colonies.

Channel-Port aux Basques

Regular domestic air service is provided by Provincial Airlines year round, while Sunwing provides service to Toronto's Pearson International Airport from May to October, and Air Saint-Pierre offers summer service to the French colonies off Newfoundland's south coast.

Free French Naval Air Service

It operated all the French naval aircraft, seaplanes and flying boats, that escaped from German-occupied France after the Battle of France, together with naval aircraft from the French colonies that declared allegiance to de Gaulle's Free French Forces, and aircraft donated by the British and Americans.

Pierre Vago

Through of his housing projects, factories, and the Central Banks of the French colonies of Tunisia and Algeria, as well as his controversial Basilica of St. Pius X in Lourdes, he received much attention in the postwar years.