
unusual facts about French departments

Congregation of Divine Providence

The French-speaking Sisters were headquartered in Portieux, serving the Department of Vosges.

Jean-Martin Moye

Moye was born on 27 January 1730 in the village of Cutting, then located within the Bailiwick of Dieuze, within the autonomous Duchy of Lorriane, a part of the Holy Roman Empire, now in the French Department of Moselle.

Louis-Joseph de Montmorency-Laval

He was born 11 December 1724 in the Castle of Baillet in the town of Bayers, then in the ancient Province of Angoumois, now part of the Department of Charente.

see also

Administrative divisions of Romania

After modern Romania was formed in 1859 through the union of Wallachia and rump Moldavia, and then extended in 1918 through the union of Transylvania, as well as Bukovina and Bessarabia (parts of Moldavia temporarily acquired by the Habsburgs, 1775–1918, respectively the Russian Tsars, 1812–1917), the administrative division was modernized using the French departments system as an example.

Solange Bertrand

For the artist many other single person exhibitions followed, mostly in Paris and Metz, but also in the other French departments and abroad (i.e. Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, etc...).