
unusual facts about French government

2010 Coupe de la Ligue Final

On 1 March 2010, it was revealed that the French government was considering moving the final to another venue in response to the fan violence that occurred during the annual Le Classique match in which the supporters of both Paris Saint-Germain and Marseille clashed resulting in a supporter being hospitalized, going into a coma, and later dying due to severe head injuries.

Cheikh Saïd

Bazin et Rabaud and some allies in the French press attempted to press the French government to intervene, without success.

Enfield, New South Wales

The top of the pedestal displays a 105mm French Howitzer gun that was donated to the Australian Government by the French government as recognition of Australia's wartime assistance during World War I. The Memorial was unveiled on 11 October 1924 by the NSW Attorney-General and later by the Premier of NSW from 1927-1930.

Fidèle Moungar

Moungar's tenure in office was marked by confrontation with the President over the pace for adopting a multiparty political system, a confrontation that a Chadian journalist dates from June, when during a presidential visit to France Idriss Déby noted that Moungar was highly regarded by the French government.

Open city

Paris in 1940, from which the French Government fled after it became apparent that they could not defend it

Peanut oil

At the 1900 Paris Exhibition, the Otto Company, at the request of the French government, demonstrated that peanut oil could be used as a source of fuel for the diesel engine; this was one of the earliest demonstrations of biodiesel technology.

see also

439th Operations Group

The detachment dropped paratroops of the 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment along the Riviera in support of the invasion of Southern France on 15 August, and later towed gliders to provide reinforcements; for these missions the group earned another citation from the French government.

Action of 19 February 1801

Following an unsuccessful campaign in Syria, Bonaparte returned to France without his army, eventually seizing control of the French government during the events of 18 Brumaire.

Air France Flight 8969

Balladur said over the telephone to Prime Minister of Algeria Mokdad Sifi that the French government would hold the Algerian government responsible for the outcome if it did not allow the French government to become involved in the crisis.

Aliyah Bet

When the deportation ships docked in Port-de-Bouc, the passengers refused to disembark after the French government announced that it would only allow the immigrants off the ships if they consented.


The national Synods at Alençon, 1637; at Charenton, 1645; and at Loudun, 1659 (the last synod permitted by the French government), decided against the excommunication of Amyraut but delimited his views in order to avoid further variance with historic Reformed orthodoxy.

Ana Sacerdote

In 1956, with recommendations from Jorge Romero Brest and Pablo Curatella Manes, she was awarded a grant by the French government to live and study in Paris.

Anarchism in China

In Europe, Paris was particularly popular because it was relatively cheap, the French government helped to subsidize the students, and because France was seen as the center of Western civilization.

Antoine Fauchery

He wrote thirteen long dispatches from the front-line for le Moniteur, the official French government newspaper.

Aurora Venturini

She translated and wrote critical essays on poets as Isidore Ducasse, Conde de Lautréamont, François Villon and Arthur Rimbaud; for the translations of the latter two authors she received the Iron Cross decoration granted by the French government.

Baroque dance

Ms. Turocy has been decorated as Chevalier in the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government.

Breguet Bre.4

At this point, André and Édouard Michelin approached the French government with an offer to sponsor the construction of 100 bombers for the French Army, and were awarded a licence to the Breguet design.

Calouste Gulbenkian

By the onset of the Second World War, he had acquired diplomatic immunity as the Iraqi Minister in Paris and he followed the French government when it fled to Vichy, serving the Pétainist Vichy France regime as its Iranian minister.

Catroux Commission

The Catroux Commission was an inquiry by the French government into the French defeat at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954.

Compagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à Orléans

In addition, the company had one of the French government's awarded temporary concession of 70 years, to build and operate a railway between the cities of Paris and Orléans.

Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France

On 20 November 2004, it accused the French government of failing to protect citizens from broadcasts by Hezbollah's al-Manar TV, which includes films that CRIF claims are antisemitic and incite Muslims to attack Jews.

Floréal-class frigate

The concept of "sentry frigate" emerged from the will of the French government to protect its Exclusive Economic Zone (12 million km²), as defined in the Montego Bay treaties.

Fort de Chartres

On January 1, 1718, the French government granted a trade monopoly to John Law and his Company of the West.

Francis Leo Lawrence

For his contributions to this field, Lawrence was awarded the honor of Chevalier dans L'Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French government.

Geneviève Duboscq

She received the Legion of Honor from the French Government and she and her family received America's Guard of Honor in recognition of the assistance that she and her family gave the US 82nd Airborne Division during the invasion of France in 1944 by the Allies.

Granville Leveson-Gower, 3rd Earl Granville

In 1913 he was appointed to Paris, again as counsellor, and moved to Bordeaux when the French government relocated there in September 1914 as the German army approached the capital before the First Battle of the Marne.

H. O. Davies

He led a Nigerian delegation to the Economic Council at the United Nations in 1964, and in September 1974 Chief H.O. Davies was knighted by the French Government Chevelier de l' Ordre national du Mérite (Industrial) for his significant contributions in energizing Total Fina Oil and the Elf Petroleum companies of which he was a Director and for promoting French-Nigerian relations.

History of Comoros

In 1886 Said Ali bin Said Omar, Sultan of Bambao, signed an agreement with the French government that allowed France to establish a protectorate over the entire island of Ngazidja (Grande Comore; protectorates were also established over Ndzwani (Anjouan), and Mwali (Mohéli island in French) the same year.

International Centre for Theatre Research

Money was raised from the French government and various international foundations (Ford Foundation, Gulbenkian Foundation and Anderson Foundations)

Jessie Catherine Couvreur

She also wrote for the Nouvelle Revue and received from the French government the decoration of Officier d'Académie.

Joseph-François Lambert

The new government under Queen Rasoherina and Prime Minister Rainivoninahitriniony sought to renegotiate the charter, leading to considerable friction between the Companie de Madagascar and the French government versus the Merina.

Louis Chen Hsiao Yun

Among his numerous local and international awards and honours are his election as Fellow of TWAS, The World Academy of Sciences in 2000 and Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science in 2011; a Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 2002; and the conferment by the French Government of the title of Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques in 2005 for his service to education.

Louis-Hector de Callières

The situation of the colony at that time was most critical, owing to Frontenac's departure, the weakness of Governor de la Barre, and the woeful error of the French government in sending to the galleys in France some Iroquois chiefs captured at Cataracoui (Kingston).


The MAT-49 used a machine stamping process which allowed the economical production of large numbers of submachine guns, then urgently required by the French Government for use by Army, French Foreign Legion as well as airborne and colonial forces.

Matignon Agreements

The Matignon Agreements of 1988, an agreement for increased New Caledonian territorial autonomy between the French government, Kanak independence activists and French settlers.

The Matignon Agreements of 1936, an agreement between the French government, employers and labour guaranteeing trade union membership and negotiating rights, a 40-hour working week and paid workers' holidays.

Morane-Saulnier MS.760 Paris

On 18 July 1956 the French government requisitioned 50 aircraft, including 14 for the Navy, from Tarbes-based manufacturer Morane-Saulnier.


It is known as the place of birth of Charles-Louis Largeteau (who contributed to the establishment of the Greenwich Meridian), Georges Clemenceau (head of the French Government during World War I and who signed the Treaty of Versailles with Lloyd George, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando and Woodrow Wilson) and Marshal Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (who participated in the liberation of France with the Allied forces in 1945).

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem

She supports having the French government force Twitter to filter out hate speech that is illegal under French law, such as speech that is homophobic.

NATO Dispersed Operating Bases

An additional 10 airfields were developed by the French government mostly from World War II USAAF Ninth Air Force Advanced Landing Grounds (ALG) as unmanned 'bare bones' airfields, consisting of a runway with minimal facilities intended for use by all NATO air forces to disperse their aircraft in case of war.

Nirode Mazumdar

On a French government scholarship, he studied engraving in Paris at the academy of the French artist Andre Holland.

NRJ 12

The station had to stop broadcasting on 28 February 1987 after the French government headed by Jacques Chirac gave the licence to another station called M6.

Pierre Janssen

In 1875, Janssen was appointed director of the new astrophysical observatory established by the French government at Meudon, and set on foot there in 1876 the remarkable series of solar photographs collected in his great Atlas de photographies solaires (1904).

Pierre Kaan

On 12 May 1948, the official journal of the French Government announced that Kaan had been posthumously decorated with Knight of the Legion of Honour, Medal of the Resistance with Rosette, War Cross with silver palm.

Pōmare V

On 29 June 1880, he gave Tahiti and its dependencies to France, whereupon he was given a pension by French government and the titular position of Officer of the Orders of the Legion of Honour and Agricultural Merit of France.

Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet

IN 1973-4, she held French government grants, and performed electroacoustic researched at the GRM of Paris under the direction of Pierre Schæffer, and studied direction of orchestra with J. Mercier.

Rodolfo Hurtado

In 1969, he won a grant from the French government to study in Europe where he learned graphic design with Paul Colin and lithography in Stanley William Hayter’s Atelier 17.

Roy Jenkins

While at Aviation he oversaw the high profile cancellations of the BAC TSR-2 and Concorde projects (although the latter was later reversed after strong opposition from the French Government).

Shavington cum Gresty

Now living in Virlet, France, he is the writer, producer and presenter of "Radio Anglais" - the French Government's English-language public information service broadcasts on French local radio.

Society of United Irishmen

The French government that supported the United Irish had engaged in a policy of "dechristianisation" for some years, and in February 1798 its army had expelled Pope Pius VI from Rome and formed the short-lived "Roman Republic".

Stade des Lumières

On 13 October 2008, the project was agreed upon by the French government, the General Council of Rhône, the Grand Lyon, SYTRAL, and the municipality of Décines for construction with approximately 180 million of public money being used and between €60–80 million coming from the Urban Community of Lyon.

Thick description

Examples include Michael G. Vann's study of rats and sewers in French government colonial Hanoi.

Trade credit insurance

Formerly a French government sponsored institution established in 1946, this company is now part of the Natixis group.

Vernouillet Airport

However, the French government rejected the airfield at Dreux, citing the expansion of Orly Airport near Paris presenting a conflict with airspace traffic, and plans were in the works to expand Vernouillet into a commercial site.


:Undertaken by Order of the French Government, Comprising an Account of the Shipwreck of the Medusa, the Sufferings of the Crew, and the Various Occurrences on Board the Raft, in the Desert of Zaara, at St. Louis, and at the Camp of Daccard.