
5 unusual facts about Friedrich Engels

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung

Although Wilhelm Liebknecht, one of the founders of SPD and close associate of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, was member of the founding editorial board in 1861, the paper became soon a conservative flagship of the German press ("Bismarcks Hauspostille").

Fraternal Democrats

During their stay in England in the summer of 1845, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels helped in preparing for the meeting but did not attend it as they had by then left London.

Party platform

Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx's 1848 Communist Manifesto, called for the abolition of private property and applied a scientific understanding to the development of society through socialism into a society without money-usage, social classes, or state coercion, which would be called "communism"

Petroleum Revolution

Friedrich Engels himself put grim criticism in his 1873 mémoir on the bakunists' role in the Spanish uprising.

Roberto Reyes Barreiro

It was there that he discovered his oratorical ability and his admiration for Left-leaning politicos, especially Marx and Engels; Reyes Barreiro leaned to the political Left for the entirety of his adult life.

August Hermann Ewerbeck

A physician by vocation and a German by birth, Ewerbeck is best remembered as an early political associate of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as a leader of the Parisian communities of the utopian socialist organization, League of the Just, and as the translator of the French writings of Étienne Cabet and Ludwig Feuerbach into German.

B. Kwaku Duren

He thus began an intensive study of African–American history while in prison, reading books such as The Autobiography of Malcolm X. He also devoured works by writers such as J. A. Rogers, Erich Fromm, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx, and Vladimir Lenin.

Communism and homosexuality

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels said very little on the subject in their published works.


The term communization was not used by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, but it was employed in the above sense by early Marxists.

Confession album

Whatever their origins, confession albums were an established form by the 1860s: Henry d'Ideville records using an album in 1861 (see Germany and France below); Karl Marx filled out answers to one in the spring of 1865 (his favourite colour was red); and Friedrich Engels answered another in 1868 (his idea of happiness was Château Margaux 1848).

Finitary relation

An example of a ternary relation (i.e., between three individuals) is: "X was introduced to Y by Z", where \left(X, Y, Z\right) is a 3-tuple of persons; for example, "Beatrice Wood was introduced to Henri-Pierre Roché by Marcel Duchamp" is true, while "Karl Marx was introduced to Friedrich Engels by Queen Victoria" is false.

Ivan Tovstukha

In July 1909 Chernigov police searched Tovstukha's room and found about 240 prohibited books, including works of Marx, Engels, August Bebel, Plekhanov, Maxim Gorky.

Kemal Tahir

After studying Marx and Engels' opinions about eastern societies, Kemal Tahir worked on historical theories of historians and sociologists like Ömer Lütfi Barkan, Mustafa Akdağ, Halil İnalcık, Niyazi Berkes and Şerif Mardin.

Louis Kugelmann

Louis Kugelmann, or Ludwig Kugelmann (February 19, 1828, Lemförde - January 9, 1902 Hannover) was a German gynecologist, social democratic thinker and activist, and confidant of Marx and Engels.

Politics in Manchester

It was typically associated with radical politics including the Peterloo Massacre in 1819; the formation of the Anti-Corn Law League in 1839 as well as being the birthplace to some of the most influential works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Qincheng Prison

Most reading materials were originally donated by the former Nationalists classified as war criminals by the Communists, and consist mostly of works by Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Joseph Stalin.

Stanisław Mendelson

Being a skilled organizer and publicist, Mendelson personally befriended many foremost European socialists - Friedrich Engels, Karl Liebknecht, Eduard Bernstein, Karl Kautsky, Paul Lafargue, Georgi Plekhanov and others.

The Civil War in the United States

The Civil War in the United States is a collection of articles on the American Civil War by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels for the New York Tribune and Die Presse of Vienna between 1861 and 1862, and correspondence between Marx and Engels between 1860 and 1866.

To the Finland Station

The second group of twelve chapters deal mostly with the development of thought in Karl Marx in light of his influences, partnership with Friedrich Engels and opposition from Lassalle and Bakunin.

see also

Censorship in Thailand

During the existence of the Communist Party of Thailand, books pertaining to Communism and Socialism (references to Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, or Mao Zedong) and it associated publications e.g. the Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital were banned – even to the extent of not using and/or teaching it in social sciences courses or to sociology majors.