Another famous — and somewhat related — Methodenstreit in the 1890s pitted the German social and economic historian Karl Lamprecht against several prominent political historians, particularly Friedrich Meinecke, over Lamprecht's use of social scientific and psychological methods in his research.
Friedrich Nietzsche | Friedrich Schiller | Friedrich Engels | Carl Friedrich Gauss | Karl Friedrich Schinkel | Friedrich Dürrenmatt | Friedrich Hayek | Caspar David Friedrich | Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Friedrich Hölderlin | Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle | Friedrich Ebert | Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling | Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel | Friedrich Gulda | Friedrich Rückert | Friedrich Paulus | Johann Friedrich Böttger | Friedrich von Huene | Friedrich List | Friedrich | Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters | Johann Friedrich Blumenbach | Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Bülow | Friedrich Specht | Friedrich Schleiermacher | Friedrich Schlegel | Friedrich Karl Dörner | Friedrich Fröbel | Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué |