To prevent a full-blown riot, hometown hero and rated professional boxer Jay Fullmer (brother of boxers Gene and Don Fullmer) entered the ring to congratulate LeBell.
LeBell has been spotted in the corner of former US Olympic judoka and current mixed martial artist Ronda Rousey, often seen standing next to her to celebrate her victory.
Other awardees have been James Cagney, Kirk Douglas, Karl Malden, Cesar Romero, Mickey Rooney, and Sylvester Stallone (movie stars that also did boxing and wrestling).
The program featured several other martial arts legends: Graciela Casilas, Karen Sheperd, Victor Ledbetter, Steve Sanders, brothers Benny and Reuben Urquidez, and Dave Vaden.
Olsen is privately trained in stunt in US (1989 and 1990) by Eddie Stacie, Paul Stader, Gene LeBell and Benny Urquedes among others.
gene | Gene Autry | Gene Hackman | Gene Roddenberry | Gene Simmons | Gene Kelly | Gene Pitney | Gene Krupa | Gene Watson | Gene Wilder | Gene Tunney | gene expression | Gene Eugene | Gene Tierney | Gene Robinson | Gene Raymond | Gene expression | Gene Deitch | Gene Clark | Gene | tumor suppressor gene | Gene Wolfe | Gene Summers | Gene Lees | Gene Harris | Gene Fullmer | Gene Ammons | Gene Siskel | Gene Lyons | Gene Day |