Gene Quintano is an American film actor, producer, writer and director best known for writing sequels to the hit film Police Academy and directing films such as Dollar for the Dead and Loaded Weapon 1, both starring Emilio Estevez.
gene | Gene Autry | Gene Hackman | Gene Roddenberry | Gene Simmons | Gene Kelly | Gene Pitney | Gene Krupa | Gene Watson | Gene Wilder | Gene Tunney | gene expression | Gene Eugene | Gene Tierney | Gene Robinson | Gene Raymond | Gene expression | Gene Deitch | Gene Clark | Gene | tumor suppressor gene | Gene Wolfe | Gene Summers | Gene Lees | Gene Harris | Gene Fullmer | Gene Ammons | Gene Siskel | Gene Lyons | Gene Day |
Treasure of the Four Crowns is an action adventure film, featuring Tony Anthony, Ana Obregón, Gene Quintano and Francisco Rabal and directed by Ferdinando Baldi.