
unusual facts about Genocide


For example Frank Chalk and Kurt Jonassohn studied the whole of human history, while Leo Kuper and R. J. Rummel in their more recent works concentrated on the 20th century, and Helen Fein, Barbara Harff and Ted Gurr have looked at post World War II events.

1904 Sasun uprising

To hide traces of genocide from European observers, the Wāli of Bitlis gave orders to cut corpses into pieces and throw them into the Tigris.

Aegis Trust

Based at the United Kingdom's Holocaust Centre, which opened in 1995, the Aegis Trust coordinates the UK Genocide Prevention All-Party Parliamentary Group, funds the Genocide Prevention Group (Canada) and is responsible for the Kigali Memorial Centre in Rwanda, which commemorates the 1994 genocide and is central to education of a new generation about the dangers of ethnic division.

Akdamar Island

Historian Ara Sarafian has answered some criticism of the Akdamar project, stating that, on the contrary, the project represents an answer to allegations of cultural genocide.

Alfred Taban

On 30 October 2006, Taban was summoned and stated that he was liable for the content of a newspaper article dated 14 September 2006, which claimed that foreign minister, state minister for foreign affairs and the director of information and public relations, Lam Akol, are mouthpieces and perpetrators of genocide as well as Islamic extremists etc.

Alison Des Forges

In the book, she argued that the genocide was organized by the Hutu-dominated Rwandan government at the time, rather than being a spontaneous outbreak of tribal conflicts.

American Assistance for Cambodia

American Assistance for Cambodia is a non-profit organization founded in 1993, by Bernard Krisher aimed at giving hope to the Cambodian people following the extermination of 2 million Cambodians during the Khmer Rouge genocide.

Armenian literature

As Armenian history of the 1920s and of the Genocide came to be more openly discussed, writers like Paruyr Sevak, Gevork Emin, Silva Kaputikyan and Hovhannes Shiraz began a new era of literature.

Assyrian genocide

A monument to the victims of the Assyrian genocide has been built in Fairfield in Australia, a suburb of Sydney where one in ten of the population is of Assyrian descent.

Ayşe Nur Zarakolu

Some specific publications by Belge in Turkey that were subjects of controversy include the poems of Mehdi Zana, Les Arméniens: histoire d'un génocide (The Armenians: history of a genocide) by Yves Ternon, The Forty Days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel, several books by İsmail Beşikçi, and the essays of Lissy Schmidt, a German journalist who had died while covering conditions in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Brian Steidle

Steidle wrote of his experiences in Darfur in his book The Devil Came on Horseback, a reference to the Janjaweed faction that has been responsible for much of the genocide in Darfur.

Discredited HIV/AIDS origins theories

In 2008, the controversial Reverend Jeremiah Wright cited Leonard Horowitz in support of his view that the U.S. government invented HIV as a means of genocide against black people.

Genocide and Mass Murder

Genocide and Mass Murder is the debut album by Japanese metal band Deathgaze.

Ghulam Azam

Former caretaker government adviser, human rights activist and witness for the prosecution Sultana Kamal said- "In brutality, Ghulam Azam is synonymous with German ruler Hitler who had influential role in implementation and execution of genocide and ethnic cleansing".

Glenda Gilmore

She is married to noted Cambodian genocide scholar Ben Kiernan.


Mark Hanis, Co-Founder, Board member, & Founding President of United to End Genocide

Hayim Greenberg

Rafael Medoff "Retribution Is Not Enough": The 1943 Campaign by Jewish Students to Raise American Public Awareness of the Nazi Genocide Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1997 11(2):171-189;

Hippolytus Lutostansky

Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide, London: Serif, 1967/1996, pp.

Hirsch Schwartzberg

But Vilnius/Vilna - before the German invasion - was a predominately Jewish and Polish city - after the genocide in Lithuania, the Jewish society and community to which Schwartzberg previously belonged did not exist anymore.

Hunger Plan

Alex J. Kay: Exploitation, Resettlement, Mass Murder: Political and Economic Planning for German Occupation Policy in the Soviet Union, 1940-1941. (Studies on War and Genocide, Vol. 10) Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford 2006, ISBN 1-84545-186-4.


International Criminal Court (ICCt) was established in 2002 as a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes

Ilmar Reepalu

Invited to a screening of Genocide with a following debate on situation for Jews in Malmö, he said that the parliamentarian Kent Ekeroth was among the most active speakers.

Institute of Turkish Studies

Some of the key members of the Institute, Stanford Shaw, Heath W. Lowry, and Justin McCarthy, argue against defining the Armenian events as genocide.

International Association of Genocide Scholars

Charny, Helen Fein (who also served as its first president), Robert Melson, and Roger Smith, meets to consider comparative research, important new work, case studies, the links between genocide and other human rights violations, and prevention and punishment of genocide.

Jacqueline Y. Collins

Because of the genocide and terrorism that is taking place in Darfur, Collins authored and sponsored legislation, passed by the state government, that would prohibit Illinois state investment in companies doing business in the Republic of the Sudan.

Jean-Paul Akayesu

He was represented by Montreal lawyer John Philpot, brother of Parti Québécois politician and author Robin Philpot; this connection later surfaced in the 2007 Quebec general election after statements from Robin Philpot's book Rwanda 1994: Colonialism Dies Hard appearing to deny the extent of the genocide were widely publicized.

Jeremy Paxman

In 1998, Denis Halliday, a United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, resigned his post in Iraq, describing the effects of his own organisation's sanctions as genocide.

Karen Ramey Burns

She worked on a number of high-profile cases, including the Raboteau Massacre and trial in Haiti, the Río Negro massacre in Guatemala, victims of genocide in Iraqi Kurdistan, the Amelia Earhart search in Kiribati, Fiji, and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the identification of the Kazimierz Pułaski remains in Savannah, Georgia, United States.


The research conducted by this organization, as well as the Ahnenerbe, was instrumental in the planning of ethnic cleansing and genocide of local non-German populations (see Generalplan Ost) and settlement of German colonists in order to Germanize Central and Eastern Europe.

Padua Academy

Recipients include: Rwandan author and genocide survivor Immaculée Ilibagiza (2010); Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon (2011); author and inspirational speaker Liz Murray (2012) and former First Lady Laura Bush (2013).

Paul R. Bartrop

In 1997 he joined the teaching faculty at Melbourne's Bialik College, where he pioneered a Year 10 elective, Comparative Genocide Studies.

Paul Spencer Sochaczewski

His books have exposed the cultural genocide of the Penan peopleof Sarawak, Malaysia, helped to generate a renaissance of appreciation for British naturalist and explorer Alfred Russel Wallaceand identified Eco-Cultural Revolutions which have had major impacts on our relationship with nature.

Permanent Peoples' Tribunal

The Permanent Peoples' Tribunal examined the cases of Tibet, Western Sahara, Argentina, Eritrea, Philippine, El Salvador, Afghanistan, East Timor, Zaïre, Guatemala, the Armenian Genocide or recently the Tamil genocide in Sri Lanka, the intervention of the United States in Nicaragua, Brazilian Amazon, etc.

Pope John Paul II's relations with the Eastern Orthodox Church

In 1998, he beatified Aloysius Stepinac, the Croatian war-time Archbishop of Zagreb, a move seen negatively by those who believe that he was an active collaborator with the Ustaše fascist regime, which committed genocide against Serbs as well as Jews.

Prudence Bushnell

Bagosora has since been arrested for his role in the genocide and is currently on trial in Arusha, Tanzania for war crimes and crimes against humanity (ICTR).

Punjab Rights Forum

Another cause for the formation of the Punjab Rights Forum was in response to the crackdown on members of the Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar), including the party's president, Simranjit Singh Mann and activists of the Dal Khalsa following a "Genocide Remembrance Parade" that had been carried out through the streets of Amritsar on June 5 in remembrance of those Sikh civilians and terrorists that had been slain by the Indian army during Operation Blue Star.

Raquel Partnoy

Through her series of paintings “Surviving Genocide,” which was shown at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library in 2003, Partnoy depicted her family experiences during the military dictatorship in Argentina (1976–1983) when 30,000 persons disappeared and were eventually killed by state terrorism.

Raul Hilberg

Hilberg was amazed by this highly educated, German-Jewish emigrant passing over the genocide of European Jews in order to expound on Napoleon and the occupation of Spain.

Robin Philpot

Philpot has called into question the testimony of Roméo Dallaire on the Rwandan Genocide; his brother is the Montreal lawyer John Philpot, who represented Jean-Paul Akayesu and other defendants accused of genocide and crimes against humanity at the trials conducted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Role of the international community in the Rwandan Genocide

April 6, 2000, Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt attended the ceremony commemorating the sixth anniversary of the genocide in Kigali.

Shasta High School

Shasta's Interact Club and Students are joining together to create a fundraiser for the Genocide situations in Darfur.

Sven Lindqvist

His later works, from the late 1980s, tend to focus on the subjects of European imperialism, colonialism, racism, genocide and war, analysing the place of these phenomena in Western thought, social history and ideology.

Takis Michas

In 2010 he faced an action for criminal libel following his reference in an article for Eleftherotypia to allegations that the Greek Volunteer Guard took part in the genocide and raised the Greek flag over Srebrenica.

Terrence Des Pres

Peter Balakian, poet and Colgate professor, also organized the 1997 "Genocide and Memory conference.

Carolyn Forché, who was influenced by Des Pres, and organized the "Genocide and Memory" conference in 1997, where Des Pres was remembered

Torben Jorgensen

He is an author of articles on the Hereros and the Ibos (Encyclopedia of Genocide, 2000) and about the Turkish denial of the Armenian genocide (Historisk Tidsskrift, 2000).

United Nations Security Council

In the Srebrenica massacre, Serbian troops committed genocide against Bosniaks, although Srebrenica had been declared a UN “safe area” and was even “protected” by 400 armed Dutch peacekeepers.

United States resolution on Armenian Genocide

"The Armenian Genocide resolution is a proper test for American democracy. It will uncover priorities of the United States – good relations with Turkey or historical truth", Russian State Duma member, Konstantin Zatulin told a news conference in Yerevan on 21 October 2007.

World War II persecution of Serbs

The description of the persecution of Serbs in World War II as genocide has been challenged by David Bruce MacDonald.

see also