
unusual facts about Geophysics

21459 Chrisrussell

It is named after Christopher T. Russell, a professor of geophysics and planetary physics at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Andrija Mohorovičić

From 1893, when he became a corresponding member of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, to 1917-18 he taught in the fields of geophysics and astronomy.

Ashen light

Christopher T. Russell and J. L. Phillips from the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California in Los Angeles and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico have offered a mathematical approach to figuring out how exactly the ashen light is formed.

Aster Glacier

It was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names in 2006, after Richard C. Aster, Professor of Geophysics at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, who has been involved in volcanological studies at the Mount Erebus volcano observatory on Ross Island, with ice, ocean, and tectonic seismic source research, and with seismological, tectonic, and structural studies of Antarctica.

Austrian Space Forum

Directed by a Mission Support Center in Innsbruck, Austria, a small field crew will conduct experiments preparing for future human Mars missions mainly in the fields of engineering, planetary surface operations, astrobiology, geophysics/geology and life sciences.

Berkeley Geochronology Center

It was originally a research group in the laboratory of University of California Berkeley geophysicist and geochronologist Garniss Curtis, now professor emeritus.

Christopher Gaffney

In 1986 John Gater and Chris Gaffney set up Geophysical Surveys of Bradford (GSB Prospection), an independent consultancy in geophysics for archaeology.

Constantin Lăcătușu

After secondary studies at Petru Rareş High School in Piatra Neamţ, he enrolled at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest, graduating in 1986.

Cornubian batholith

From gravity and magnetic geophysical data, the batholith is interpreted to extend from about 8°W, more than 100 km southwest of the Isles of Scilly, to the eastern edge of Dartmoor.


The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at UCLA delivered the ELFIN instruments for the Lomonosov Russian University Satellite.

Evan Forde

Forde became a researcher in the Marine Geology and Geophysics laboratory at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) while an undergraduate at Columbia during the summer of 1973.

Exploration geophysics

Exploration geophysics is the practical application of physical methods (such as seismic, gravitational, magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic) to measure the physical properties of rocks, and in particular, to detect the measurable physical differences between rocks that contain ore deposits or hydrocarbons and those without.

Frank E. Snodgrass

He became an Associate Research Engineer in 1961 and later a research engineer at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) in La Jolla, California.

Garniss Curtis

Garniss H. Curtis, (born May 27, 1919 ~ died December 19, 2012) was a professor emeritus of geology at the University of California, Berkeley, geochronologist, volcanologist, geophysicist, and founder of the Berkeley Geochronology Center.

Hans Ertel

In 1943, he was given the position of professor for meteorology and geophysics at the University of Innsbruck, and he also attended lectures by Arnold Sommerfeld.

John L. Climenhaga

During this period, Climenhaga oversaw expansion of the department's research efforts in Geophysics, Nuclear Physics, Acoustics, Gas dynamics and Theoretical Physics, as well as Astronomy.

Kirsty McCabe

McCabe studied Geophysics at the University of Edinburgh, graduating with a first class honours degree before going on to spend three months as an intern at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, where she used satellite magnetic data to interpret the underlying crustal structure of parts of Australasia.

Peter Englert

Englert remains at the university as a faculty member in the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, and continues to work on research related to the planet Mars.

Piton de la Fournaise

the Piton-Sainte-Rose flow, is operated by the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Global Geophysics Institute of Paris), in association with CNRS and the University of Réunion.

Satya Prakash

Prakash is a frequent publisher of scientific studies that deal with various fields of geophysics, including studies with the Ionosphere, and the Stratosphere.

Schlumberger brothers

In 1955, in recognition of Conrad Schlumberger's outstanding contribution to exploration geophysics, The European Association of Exploration Geophysicists (now European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) established a Conrad Schlumberger Award.

Taiwanese–American Occultation Survey

TAOS is a joint effort of Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, National Central University, Institute of Astronomy and Yonsei University, South Korea.

Voronoi diagram

Voronoi diagrams that are used in geophysics and meteorology to analyse spatially distributed data (such as rainfall measurements) are called Thiessen polygons after American meteorologist Alfred H. Thiessen.

see also