
5 unusual facts about Georgian Dublin

Georgian Dublin

However there are once again renewed fears for areas such as Parnell Street, James' Street andThomas Street.

Ultimately the northside was laid out centred on two major squares, Rutland Square (now called Parnell Square for Charles Stewart Parnell), at the top end of Sackville Street, and Mountjoy Square.

Although the Irish Parliament was composed exclusively of representatives of the minority Protestant community in Ireland, it did show sparks of independence, most notably the achievement of full legislative independence in 1782, where all the restrictions previously surrounding the parliament in College Green, notably Poynings' Law were repealed.

They were only saved by Adolf Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939 and a general lack of capital and investment; the plans were put on hold in 1939 and forgotten about by 1945.

The Sick and Indigent Roomkeepers' Society

The society was one of many that were established in Georgian Dublin to relieve the poverty that pervaded the city at that time.

see also

Nathaniel Clements

He was a developer of property in Georgian Dublin, including part of Henrietta Street where he lived at No. 7 from 1734 to 1757.