He is Professor and Vice-Chair of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences and Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology at the University of Pittsburgh, where he is also Director of the Division of Developmental and Regenerative Medicine at the university's School of Medicine.
However, in November 2005, Gerald Schatten, a University of Pittsburgh researcher who had worked with Hwang for two years, made the surprise announcement that he had ceased his collaboration with Hwang.
Gerald Ford | Gerald Durrell | Gerald Casale | Gerald Gardner | Gerald Scarfe | Gerald Freedman | Die Frau ohne Schatten | Gerald R. Ford | Gerald Gardner (Wiccan) | Gerald McRaney | Gerald | Gerald Wilson | Gerald Ronson | Gerald Forsythe | Gerald Brom | Gerald Aungier | GĂ©rald Tremblay | Gerald Templer | Gerald L. Baliles | Gerald Jennings | Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster | Gerald Edelman | Gerald D. Hines | Sarah Fitz-Gerald | Gerald Stern | Gerald R. Ford, Jr. | Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier | Gerald Rafshoon | Gerald Lee Warren | Gerald Lascelles |