
4 unusual facts about Gerhard Kittel

Gerhard Kittel

Gerhard Kittel (September 23, 1888, Breslau – July 11, 1948, Tübingen) was a German Protestant theologian, lexicographer of biblical languages, and open anti-Semite.

A Professor of Evangelical Theology and New Testament at the University of Tübingen, he published "scientific" studies depicting the Jewish people as the historical enemy of Germany, Christianity, and European culture in general.

The son of acclaimed Old Testament scholar Rudolf Kittel, he married Hanna Untermeier in 1914, but there were no children from the union.

William F. Albright wrote the International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg in early 1946, "In view of the terrible viciousness of his attacks on Judaism and the Jews, which continues at least until 1943, Gerhard Kittel must bear the guilt of having contributed more, perhaps, than any other Christian theologian to the mass murder of Jews by Nazis."

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