
3 unusual facts about Gherasim Luca

Beñat Achiary

He has released three songs from Gherasim Luca's "heroes-limite" on his CD "Seven Circles for Peter", released by German label FMP in 2004.

Gherasim Luca

L'Extrême-Occidentale, Éditions Mayer, Lausanne 1961 with 7 engravings by Jean Arp, Brauner, Max Ernst, Jacques Hérold, Wifredo Lam, Roberto Matta, Dorothea Tanning

From 1967, his reading sessions took him to places like Stockholm, Oslo, Geneva, New York City, and San Francisco.

see also

Gellu Naum

Éloge de Malombra - Cerne de l'amour absolu ("Malombra's Eulogy - Black Circle of Absolute Love"; manifesto, co-written with Gherasim Luca, Paul Păun, and Dolfi Trost), Bucharest, 1947