
unusual facts about Giant Panda

Races and factions of Warcraft

Pandaren are a humanoid race which closely resemble pandas.

Abductor pollicis longus muscle

A small, lens-shaped radial sesamoid embedded into the APL tendon is a primitive state found in all known Carnivora genera except in the red and giant pandas and the extinct Simocyon where it is hypertrophied (enlarged) into a sixth digit or a so called "false thumb", a derived trait that first appeared in ursids.

Bao Bao

In addition to Bao Bao, other giant panda cubs born in 2013 include: Yuan Zai in Taiwan, twin cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan at Zoo Atlanta, and Fu Bao at Vienna Zoo.

Comparative foot morphology

Recently, scientists at the Royal Veterinary College in the United Kingdom have discovered that the elephant possesses a sixth false toe — a sesamoid, located similarly to the giant panda's extra "thumb".

Gregory Colbert

Elephants, whales, manatees, sacred ibis, cranes, eagles, gyrfalcons, Rhinoceros Hornbills, cheetahs, leopards, African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), caracals, baboons, eland, meerkats, gibbons, orangutans, penguins, pandas, polar bears, lions, giant Pacific manta rays, and saltwater crocodiles are among the animals he has filmed and photographed.

The Bear Club

There are eight Clan Leaders and each one is based on the eight species of wild bear - Giant Panda (Bai Bo), Sun Bear (Bruang), Brown Bear (Kodi), Asiatic Black Bear (Basindo), Polar Bear (Nanook), Sloth Bear (Aswail), Spectacled Bear (Buka) and Black Bear (Kinamon).

Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan

Chen Yunlin, then the head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, announced on May 3, 2005, that Beijing would present two giant pandas to Taipei as a gift.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

The pandaren - a race of anthropomorphic giant pandas initially created by veteran Blizzard artist Samwise Didier - were introduced to the Warcraft canon in the bonus Horde campaign of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Yinka Dene Alliance

In it they stated that an oil spill "could destroy the extremely rare spirit bear – a bear with white fur that is as beautiful as the Chinese panda bear".

see also

Noisy Pitta

Its diet includes some fruit and it cracks open the shells of molluscs such as the giant panda snail (Hedleyella falconeri) on an anvil, a stone or other hard surface habitually used for this purpose.

Su-Lin Young

In Shanghai, Young met explorer Ruth Harkness, another American woman, who captured the first giant panda to be sent the United States.