
unusual facts about Global governance

Global governance

Pierre Jacquet, Jean Pisani-Ferry, and Laurence Tubiana argue that "to ensure that decisions taken for international integration are sustainable, it is important that populations see the benefits, that states agree on their goals and that the institutions governing the process are seen as legitimate. These three conditions are only partially being met."

Margarita Starkevičiūtė

At present came back to academia: teaching - macroeconomic analysis at the Faculty of Economics at Vilnius University, performing research on managing of imbalances, global governance reform, EU economic policy and financial markets at the International Business School, at Vilnius University, member of Lithuania's economists association.

see also

British Housewives' League

The BHL concerns are that it has been carefully designed to change the world forever and will set the world on a course of global governance under the authority of the United Nations.

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis

Chatzimarkakis held a lectureship at the University of Duisburg from 1997 to 2001, during which time he also worked on his doctoral thesis on Informational Globalism - A cooperation model of global governance using the example of electronic commerce (Informationeller Globalismus - Kooperationsmodell globaler Ordnungspolitik am Beispiel des Elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs ).


Mary Kaldor (born 1946), British academic, currently Professor of Global Governance at the London School of Economics

Nir Rosen

In March 2011, Mary Kaldor, Co-Director at the Center for Global Governance at the London School of Economics had hired Rosen as a research fellow to work on North Africa.