Paullu also took part in the battle of Salinas at the head of 6,000 Incas, and in 1539 he accompanied Gonzalo Pizarro in the war against the Incas of Charcas.
However, his cooperation was severely tested by mistreatment at the hands of Francisco's brothers Gonzalo, Juan and Hernando, whom Francisco had temporarily left in charge in Cuzco.
Francisco Pizarro | Gonzalo Rubalcaba | Gonzalo Pizarro | Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba | Gonzalo | Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada | Gonzalo Lira | Artur Pizarro | Hernando Pizarro | Gonzalo Nin Novoa | Gonzalo Higuaín | Francisco Pizarro (footballer) | Pedro Pizarro | Luis Pizarro | Gonzalo Soriano | Gonzalo Sebastián García | Gonzalo Salvadórez | Gonzalo Ruiz | Gonzalo Rodríguez (racing driver) | Gonzalo Rodriguez | Gonzalo Queipo de Llano | Gonzalo Pineda | Gonzalo of Sobrarbe and Ribagorza | Gonzalo López-Gallego | Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada | Gonzalo Guerrero | Gonzalo García García | Gonzalo Galindo | Gonzalo Fernández of Castile | Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes |
After his unheard claims as governor of New Castile (Peru) following the death of his brother, Gonzalo Pizarro pressed claims to be recognized as the ruler of the land he and his brothers had conquered.
He lost all his commands and was taken prisoner to Lima during the uprising of Gonzalo Pizarro.
In 1541, Gonzalo Pizarro led an expedition east of Quito with Francisco de Orellana in search of The country of cinnamon ("País de la Canela").