Gonzalo Ruiz (died 1205), also known as Gonzalo Rodríguez, former ruler of La Bureba in Spain
If Peire's satire was performed at Puivert before an audience that included the satirised troubadours and the entourage of Eleanor of England, who was passing through Gascony on her way to marry Alfonso VIII of Castile, then the identification of Guossalbo Roitz with Gonzalo Ruiz of Bureba becomes probable.
Gonzalo Rubalcaba | Gonzalo Pizarro | Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba | Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle | Ramón Ruiz | John Ruiz | Gonzalo | Frankie Ruiz | Ruiz | Rey Ruiz | Renata Ruiz | Pedro Ruiz de Azagra | Mike Ruiz | Matías Ruiz | Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada | Gonzalo Lira | Carlos Ruiz Zafón | Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón | Xavier Ruiz | Olivia Ruiz | Juan Ruiz de Alarcón | José Ruiz | Gonzalo Nin Novoa | Gonzalo Higuaín | Tomás Ruiz González | Nomi Ruiz | Nevado del Ruiz | Miguel Ángel Ruiz | María Ruiz de Burton | Mariángel Ruiz |
El Greco's painting "The Burial of the Count of Orgaz" features Don Gonzalo Ruíz, native of Toledo and Señor of the town of Orgaz.