
2 unusual facts about Good and evil

Good and evil

Good is a broad concept but it typically deals with an association with life, charity, continuity, happiness, love and justice.

The issue of good and evil in the human visuality, often associated with morality, is regarded by some biologists (notably Edward O. Wilson, Jeremy Griffith, David Sloan Wilson and Frans de Waal) as an important question to be addressed by the field of biology.

see also

Banners in Northern Ireland

Former Grand Master W. Martin Smyth has said that the Siege of Derry can be seen as symbolising the eternal conflict between good and evil.

Blu de Golyer

In 2009, Blu wrote and produced House Of Good And Evil starring German actor Christian Oliver from the feature The Good German.

Brotherhood of Dada

Though they would be considered villains by most definitions, the group does not recognize concepts of good and evil (hence the decision to rename themselves from the Brotherhood of Evil), but simply aloof; they are perhaps best described as anarchic rogues.

Chamber Music Society

Gretchen Parlato - backing vocals on "Inútil Paisagem" and "Knowledge of Good and Evil"

Circus Devils

Beginning with the release of their first album, Ringworm Interiors, Circus Devils dismissed the styles of Pollard's other musical endeavors for a more experimental approach, taking an ominous and nightmarish tone, exploring the themes of good and evil.

Great Controversy

Great Controversy theme, the theological concept related to the book, of a conflict between good and evil


By the In-Betweener's own admission, he represents duality itself, specifically in respect to concepts such as good and evil; reason and emotion; truth and illusion; and life and death.

Infinity Watch

Warlock expunged the good and evil portions of his personality while holding the gauntlet which limited his ability to exploit aspects of the Soul Gem.

Pär Lagerkvist

Among his central themes was the fundamental question of good and evil, which he examined through such figures as the man who was freed instead of Jesus, Barabbas; and the Persian King, Ahasuerus.

Pip the Troll

When Warlock had control of the Infinity Gauntlet, he had forced out the good and evil sides of himself.

Sublunary sphere

Samuel Johnson praised Shakespeare's plays as “exhibiting the real state of sublunary nature, which partakes of good and evil, joy and sorrow, intermingled”.

Volume 3: A Child's Guide to Good and Evil

Volume 3: A Child's Guide To Good And Evil, is a psychedelic rock album by The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band.

Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse

Jenseits von Gut und Böse, literally "Beyond Good and Evil", is taken from a philosophical work by Friedrich Nietzsche of the same name.