
2 unusual facts about Google China

Google China

However, the filtering was later re-enabled without any acknowledgment or explanation; search queries in Chinese on the keywords Tiananmen or June 4, 1989 returned censored results with the standard censorship footnote.

Google China was founded in 2005 and was originally headed by Kai-Fu Lee, a former Microsoft executive and the founder in 1998 of Microsoft Research Asia.

Criticism of Yahoo!

Yahoo!, along with Google China, Microsoft, Cisco, AOL, Skype, Nortel and others, has cooperated with the Chinese Communist Government in implementing a system of internet censorship in mainland China.

Harvard Summit for Young Leaders in China

Other past speakers include: Kai-Fu Lee, founding president of Google China; Lawrence Summers, former President of Harvard University; Yuanli Liu, Assistant Professor and Founding Director of the China Initiative from Harvard School of Public Health; Kim Kardashian, American celebutante; Johnny Depp, famous actor; and Nancy Barry, former president of Women's World Banking.

see also