
4 unusual facts about Google Search

Bettina Wulff

The centrepiece of the associated lawsuit is Google's autocomplete feature, because the search engine would suggest terms such as "escort" and "prostitute" when searching for Wulff's name.


Site popularity can be measured from increase of Alexa traffic rank, Facebook social plug in status, number of user shares and Google Search traffic ranks.

Error function

Google search: Google's search also acts as a calculator and will evaluate "erf(...)" and "erfc(...)" for real arguments.

Google Dictionary

The Google Dictionary website was terminated on August 5, 2011 after part of its functionality was integrated into Google Search using the define: operator.

see also


Since October 2009, Funimation has routinely filed DMCA takedown notices to get unauthorized distributions of its and its partners' properties removed from Google search results.