
unusual facts about Governors

1998–2002 Argentine great depression

--for what?--> were the members of the Senate plus the Governors of the Provinces; Adolfo Rodríguez Saá, then governor of San Luis, was eventually appointed as the new interim president.

Aging with Dignity

Founding advisory board members include former Florida Governors Lawton Chiles, Jeb Bush, and Bob Graham, Assistant Secretary on Aging Josefina Carbonell and US Senator Bill Nelson among others.

Alonso de Maldonado

However she soon died as well, and in 1542 her brother Francisco de la Cueva and Bishop Francisco Marroquín (1499–1563) were elected co-governors.

Antoni Radziwiłł

Struggling between his Polish subjects and the Prussian authorities, Radziwiłł found himself with little power, as effective power was executed by Oberpräsident Joseph Zerboni di Sposetti and the district governors heading the Regierungsbezirke of Posen and Bromberg.

Arthur Haworth

He held a number of other positions, including Chairman of the Governors of Manchester Grammar School, treasurer of Mansfield College, Oxford and chairman of the Congregational Union of England and Wales.

Charles Dolan

Dolan is a trustee of Fairfield University and a member of the board of governors of St. Francis Hospital in Port Washington, New York.

Council of Governors

The Council of Governors is composed of 10 members, selected by the President for a term of 2 years from among the governors of the several states and territories of the United States and the Mayor of the District of Columbia.

Dominican War of Independence

Haiti's president, Jean Pierre Boyer, promised his full protection and support to the frontier governors, and thus he ceremoniously entered the country with around 10,000 soldiers in February 1822, after most of the cities and towns proclaimed their allegiance to the Republic of Haiti between November 1821 and January 1822, including Puerto Plata (December 13, 1821) and Santiago (December 29, 1821).

Edith Clara Batho

The Royal Holloway College Act (1949) abolished the Board of Governors replacing it with a College Council chaired by Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone.

Edmund W. Wells

He was appointed to the newly created 4th district by President Benjamin Harrison and his nomination was supported by U.S. Senator William B. Allison of Iowa, Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen J. Field, Arizona Territorial Governors Richard C. McCormick, Anson P. K. Safford, and Lewis Wolfley, Arizona Territorial Justices Charles G. W. French and William W. Porter, Arizona Territorial Secretary John J. Gosper, and Oakes Murphy.

Edward Malloy

He has been a member of the advisory board of the AmeriCorps and National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), a founding director of the Points of Light Foundation, member of the board of governors of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and a member of the State of Indiana Community Service and Volunteer Committee and the Indiana Commission on Community Service (Indiana AmeriCorps).

Edward St. John Neale

Background (from left to right): Three Japanese governors of Yokohama, Duchesne de Bellecourt, Daimyo Sakai-Hida-no-Kami, Colonel Neale (British representative in Japan), Admiral Jaurès, Admiral Kuper.

Eliza and Isabella Riddel

Governors of the permanent committee included the mayor of Belfast, the Church of Ireland Bishop of Down and five elected 'lady graduate governors' including F W Rea, one of the earliest women lecturers at Queen's, and Marion Andrews and Elizabeth Bell, two of the earliest women to qualify in medicine in Ireland.

Elizabeth Duke

Elizabeth A. Duke (born 1952), member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Erhard Hübener

By threatening the SVAG to resign from office, Hübener enforced the participation of the Soviet zonal governors in the Conference of Governors in Munich on 5 June 1947, which last time convened the elected governors of all states from all four zones of occupation in Germany.

Ferdinand Kwasi Fiawoo

The college changed its name to Zion College and relocated to Keta; Fiawoo remained chairman of the college's Board of Governors from 1954 until his death in 1969.

Flag of New England

On 8 June 1989 the New England Governor's Conference (NEGC) adopted a flag designed by Albert Ebinger of Ipswich, Massachusetts, as the official flag of the New England Governors’ Conference.

Frank Fulco

Fulco's colleagues included future U.S. Representative and Governor Charles E. "Buddy" Roemer, III, then of Bossier City, future U.S. District Judge Tom Stagg of Shreveport, and Robert G. Pugh, a Shreveport lawyer who advised three governors and wrote much of the section on local and state government in the Constitution.

Fred Shirley

Shirley manoeuvred against Dr Hewlett Johnson, the "Red Dean" who was ex officio the Chairman of Governors.

Glenn Gissler

He also sits on the Board of Governors of the Rhode Island School of Design Museum, and has taken a strong lead in building the institution’s collection of 20th century design through donations of objects by influential designers including Ettore Sottsass, Russell Wright, Aldo Rossi, Christopher Dresser and Raymond Loewy.

Governor of Wisconsin

Four governors have resigned: William Barstow due to fraud allegations, Robert La Follette, Sr. to take his seat in the United States Senate, Patrick Joseph Lucey to become Ambassador to Mexico, and Tommy Thompson to become United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Issa Lamine

Following the January 2011 parliamentary election, Issa was accused by local military governors in N'Gourti and Diffa Region of attempting to fix the elections in N'Gourti by orchestrating the kidnap of election officials, and organizing groups of his CDS-Rahama supporters and ex-combatants from his 1990s rebel group to attack areas presumed loyal to rivals.

James Holshouser

His accomplishments in office included consolidation of the University of North Carolina system under a Board of Governors, capital improvement funding for the community college system, statewide enrollment for kindergarten and establishment of health clinics in rural areas not served by local physicians.

Johannes van Walbeeck

Henige, David P. Colonial Governors from the Fifteenth Century to the Present.

Larry McCarthy

During this period he assisted winning campaigns for Republican Senators Phil Gramm, Warren Rudman, Dan Quayle, Bob Kasten, Mitch McConnell, Gordon Humphrey and Dave Durenberger, and Governors George Deukmejian and Tom Kean.

Lex Cornelia de maiestate

The Law was designed to prevent both corruption and rebellion of governors, but was thwarted just 4 years later in 77 BC during the revolt of Lepidus, a rogue proconsul who left his province of Cisalpine Gaul with his army and marched towards Rome.

Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen

In 1780, the couple was appointed joint governors of the Austrian Netherlands.

Minnesota State Capitol

Various portraits of state governors, and flags captured by Minnesota's regiments during the American Civil War, are on display.


In more recent times, it was used as an honorific negus for life title bestowed on governors of the most important provinces (kingdoms): Gojjam, Welega and the seaward kingdom (where the variation Bahr Negasi 'King of the Sea', was the ancient title of the ruler of present-day central Eritrea) and later Shewa.

Nigerian traditional rulers

Oba is the title of the Edo paramount ruler, while Enogie and Odionwere are ascribed to his dukes and governors, respectively.


This includes non-Pashtun leaders such as Ahmad Shah Massoud, Ahmad Zia Massoud, Ismail Khan, Mohammed Fahim, Bismillah Khan Mohammadi, Atta Muhammad Nur, Abdul Ali Mazari, Karim Khalili, Husn Banu Ghazanfar, Muhammad Yunus Nawandish, Abdul Karim Brahui, Jamaluddin Badr as well as most other ministers, governors and officials.

Politics of the Southern United States

When segregation was outlawed by court order and by the Civil Rights acts of 1964 and 1965, a die-hard element resisted integration, led by Democratic governors Orval Faubus of Arkansas, Lester Maddox of Georgia, and especially George Wallace of Alabama.

Presidency of Néstor Kirchner

As a response, Duhalde, the vicepresident Daniel Scioli and governors as José Manuel de la Sota and Jorge Obeid gathered in a congress and reaffirmed their peronist loyalty, rejecting the transversalism.

Puerto Rico v. Branstad

The U.S. Supreme Court previously held in Kentucky v. Dennison (1861)—issued shortly before the Civil War—that the federal courts may not, through the issue of writs of mandamus, compel state governors to surrender fugitives.

Ram Brahma Sanyal

Sanyal was chosen to assist three Europeans including Carl Louis Schwendler, one of the honorary governors and original donator of the zoo's starting stock.

Reunion Society of Vermont Officers

Almost all prominent Vermonters who had served in the Civil War were members of the Society, including U.S. Senator Redfield Proctor, Interstate Commerce Commission member Wheelock G. Veazey, and Governors Peter T. Washburn, Roswell Farnham, John L. Barstow, Samuel E. Pingree, Ebenezer J. Ormsbee, Urban A. Woodbury, Josiah Grout, and Charles J. Bell.

Richard Trowbridge

The Premier Sir Charles Court in 1975 sought to revive the practice of appointment of British-born governors for Western Australia, contrary to the advice of Lord Goronwy-Roberts, British Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, who supported the newly established custom that Australian State Governors should be Australian-born.

Robert Teeter

Born in Coldwater, Michigan, Teeter worked in various capacities for four presidents, and numerous governors and senators.

Russell Schriefer

As founding partner with Stuart Stevens of the Stevens & Schriefer Group, Schriefer has worked with many Republican Governors, Senators, and Congressmen, including Governor Robert Ehrlich (MD), Senator Johnny Isakson (GA), Governor Tom Ridge (PA), Governor Bill Weld (MA), Governor Paul Cellucci (MA), Governor Bob Riley (AL), Governor Charlie Crist (FL), Senator Richard Lugar (IN), Senator John Cornyn (TX).

Sacchidananda Bharati III

His spiritual greatness commanded the veneration of the Muslim and Hindu rulers of Mysore, Peshwa Madhava Rao and Peshwa Bajirao, Mahadji Sinde, Nizam Ali Khan and the governors of the East India Company.

Shenmue II

On the outskirts of Aberdeen is Queens Street, a pleasant area that is lined with brownstone houses, reflecting Hong Kong's British governors.

Shockoe Hill Cemetery

The cemetery holds the graves of U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall, attorney John Wickham, Revolutionary War hero Peter Francisco, famed Union spy Elizabeth Van Lew, Virginia Governors William H. Cabell, John Munford Gregory (acting), and John M. Patton (General George S. Patton's great-grandfather), Judge Dabney Carr, United States Senators Powhatan Ellis and Benjamin W. Leigh, and dozens of Confederate soldiers.

Spider Jones

Jones was once voted "Boxing Commentator and M.C. of the Year" by the Board of Governors of the World Boxing Federation.

State Governors in the Nigerian Third Republic

However, Abiola's election was annulled and after some confusion General Sani Abacha became head of state in November 1993, replacing the civilian governors with military administrators.

Thomas Coram Foundation for Children

Governors of the hospital decided in 1926 to realise the value of the London site (it was sold for £2 million) and to build a new hospital on the Ashlyns site at Berkhamsted.

Timothy L. Woodruff

In the process Woodruff became the only Lieutenant Governor in New York history to serve under three different Governors — Frank S. Black, Theodore Roosevelt, and Benjamin Barker Odell, Jr. As Lieutenant Governor, Woodruff took a leadership role in the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, helping to protect the forests there from the devastation of clear cutting and large scale damming projects.

Venezuelan regional elections, 2004

The 2004 regional elections of Venezuela were held on 31 October 2004 to elect 22 governors and 2 metropolitan mayors for a four-year term beginning in 2004 and ending in 2008, when the next regional elections were held.

Verdala Palace

Verdala palace was restored by Governor Sir William Reid by 1858 and was the official summer residency of the Governors of Malta during British rule.

World Association of Nuclear Operators

December 2008 - The Governors decide to postpone the 67th Governing Board meeting planned for Delhi, India following the terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

Zeti Akhtar Aziz

She was awarded alongside Philippines’ central bank governor Amando Tetangco, Jr. and Taiwan’s Central Bank Governor Perng Fai-nan, from a list of central bank governors of more than 50 key countries.

see also