He returned as manager with Graham Roberts in late 2010, but the team performed poorly during the 2010 Asian Games where the team lost 3 their matches and drew one he was replaced.
A young Trevor Senior impressed alongside ever-present top scorer Paul Thorne, whilst Graham Roberts joined neighbours Weymouth early in the campaign for £6,000 before going on to star for Tottenham Hotspur and England.
He joined Chelsea in August 1988 for £475,000 and helped the side emphatically win the Second Division championship in 1988–89.
Alexander Graham Bell | Graham Greene | Julia Roberts | Graham Nash | Frederick Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts | Martha Graham | Billy Graham | Eric Roberts | Lindsey Graham | Bob Graham | Oral Roberts | John Roberts | Graham Taylor | Graham Parker | Graham Norton | Oral Roberts University | Graham Hill | Graham Hancock | Dan Graham | Chris Roberts | Tom Roberts | The Graham Norton Show | Ian Roberts | Heather Graham | Graham Chapman | George Graham | Doris Roberts | Roberts | Nora Roberts | Lord Roberts |