On June 19, 2009, the Kansas Board of Regents released the results of an audit that was performed by Grant Thornton LLP as an exit analysis for outgoing Kansas State president Jon Wefald.
In 2006, Grant Thornton LLP urged the SEC to revise 8-K rules to require reasons for all company dismissals of auditors, for all auditor resignations and for all instances in which the auditor chooses not to stand for reappointment.
Ulysses S. Grant | Cary Grant | Amy Grant | Thornton Wilder | Grant Morrison | Billy Bob Thornton | Hugh Grant | Grant | Lou Grant | Lou Grant (TV series) | Eddy Grant | Thornton | Second College Grant, New Hampshire | Rob Grant | Grant County | Grant Park | Atkinson and Gilmanton Academy Grant, New Hampshire | Natalie Grant | land grant | Grant Wood | grant | Elbow Lake, Grant County, Minnesota | USC Thornton School of Music | Sigrid Thornton | Grant (money) | Grant Allen | Atkinson and Gilmanton Academy Grant | W. T. Grant | Simon Grant | Grant Denyer |