In 1979 Cesare and Baldassare were arrested for carrying illegal firearms in their car after being stopped by police at the Green Acres Mall in Valley Stream, New York shortly before the execution of Carmine Galante.
In the early days of the mall, WMCA `Good Guys' would broadcast from the mall as would WABC.
Green Day | Green Party | Green Bay Packers | Green Bay, Wisconsin | shopping mall | Green | Green Lantern | Green Acres | Al Green | National Mall | Green Bay | Bowling Green State University | Dixon of Dock Green | Anne of Green Gables | Tom Green | Bowling Green, Kentucky | Pall Mall, London | Green River | Shopping mall | Pall Mall | Wood Green | Goose Green | Bethnal Green | Seth Green | Green Valley | Green Goblin | Green Giant | U.S. Green Building Council | Roland J. Green | Mall of America |