
10 unusual facts about Green function

Alexander Kuzemsky

The Green-function technique, termed the irreducible Green function method is a certain reformulation of the equation-of motion method for double-time temperature dependent Green functions.

Alpha shape

This technique can be employed to reconstruct a Fermi surface from the electronic Bloch spectral function evaluated at the Fermi level, as obtained from the Green function in a generalised ab-initio study of the problem.

Arakelov theory

An arithmetic cycle of codimension p is a pair (Z, g) where Z ∈ Zp(X) is a p-cycle on X and g is a Green current for Z, a higher dimensional generalization of a Green function.

Green function

Deligne–Lusztig theory (Green function) in the representation theory of finite groups of Lie type.

Josef Meixner

He was awarded his doctorate in 1931, with the submission of a thesis on the application of the Green function in quantum mechanics.

Lev Pavlovich Rapoport

Further modifications of the Green's function method enabled researchers to study multiphoton processes in many-electron atoms and in simple molecules and also made possible numerical calculations of higher-order relativistic effects in atomic spectra.

In this work, the Green's function method formed the basis for numerical calculations.

Loop-erased random walk

The number of domino tilings of a graph can be calculated using the determinant of special matrices, which allow to connect it to the discrete Green function which is approximately conformally invariant.

Schwinger–Dyson equation

The Schwinger–Dyson equations (SDEs), also known as the Dyson–Schwinger equations, named after Julian Schwinger and Freeman Dyson, are general relations between Green functions in quantum field theories (QFTs).

Surface wave

Green function, a function used to solve inhomogeneous differential equations subject to boundary conditions.