It is a Private Christian University.It was named after Pope Gregory I.
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His writings include hymns, lives of saints, among them a life of Saint Mansuetus, Bishop of Toul (485-509), a metrical rendering of the second book of the Dialogues of Pope Gregory I, and a tractate De Antichristo or in full Epistola Adsonis ad Gerbergam reginam de ortu et tempore antichristi in the form of a letter to Gerberga of Saxony, wife of Louis IV d'Outremer).
For instance, Theodore's interest in the works of Pope Gregory I is clear from the distribution of the glosses: there are eight glosses on Gregory's Pastoral Care and no fewer than 46 (or 49) from his Dialogi.
Its title is likely an allusion to the phrase Non Angli, sed Angeli. ("Not Angles, but Angels.") In legend, this was a Latin pun allegedly said by Pope Gregory I after a response to his query regarding the identity of a group of fair-haired Anglian children whom he had observed in the marketplace.
The famous treasure of Monza contains the Iron Crown of Lombardy and the theca persica, enclosing a text from the Gospel of John, sent by Pope Gregory I (590-604) to her for her son Adaloald.
It is suggested that the refurbishment of the ‘temple’ building D2a (re-built in the same position as D2b) was a Christianisation as recommended by Pope Gregory I (see Bede's Ecclesiastical History, Book 1 Chapter 30).
Besides the above works and a commentary against various sects of Monophysites (Severians, Theodosians, Cainites and Acephali) he left eleven discourses in defence of Pope Leo I and the Council of Chalcedon, also a work against the Agnoetae, submitted by him before publication to Pope Gregory I, who after some observations authorized it unchanged.